Major League Baseball (Part 1)

Mark Pryor is the pitching coach for the Dodgers? I just had some awful flashbacks to 2003.

Uhhh that lucky shit is gonna get Roberts off the hook for pulling a Roberts.

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Kershaw haters are quiet today.

He Is A cHoKeR

The biggest problem with Kershaw always seemed to be managers leaving him in like two batters too long and letting him melt down, no idea why nobody learned this after like the first 3 times it happened. Obviously last night was an easy decision with them having a comfortable lead, but I wouldn’t be surprised if even in the 6th, Roberts was ready to yank him immediately if anyone reaches base.

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Six innings? Harumph. Back in my day a True Ace started what he finished and, by gum, if the manager tried to take them out they’d punch the manager right in the mouth. That’s grit. That’s leadership.


Honestly the best thing for his legacy at this point will be if they let him go 5 in his playoff starts and then yank him at the first inkling of trouble after that. He can still wind up with an occasional 8-9 inning gem that way.

Lol one good performance doesn’t erase the past

Of course it doesn’t. Literally nothing erases the past.

But clutch doesn’t exist. It’s good for people to argue about on T.V. though.


He’s over 180 playoff innings

So was he clutch last night? Did he become clutch all of a sudden. It’s the world series!

wat? he had a good game. variance.
he still sucks in the playoffs

Clutch doesn’t exist. Choking does.

I think its a fair question to ask why his performance in postseason is so much worse over 180 innings compared to his regular season performance. There are many possible factors:

Aces are probably worse generally in the playoffs because they are pressed to pitch more and against stronger lineups.

Any pitcher that favors warm weather has a structural disadvantage in MLB playoffs.

Randomness is certainly a factor because sample sizes are smaller.

I would say that “randomness” is the null hypothesis, any other claim should be treated skeptically.

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You are the reason shows like first take exist.

I think the word chokes is what bothers you. Stinks in the playoffs would be more accurate maybe.

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Everyone’s strike zone is different. I’ve never noticed the box changing sizes on a broadcast.

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The camera is elevated looking down slightly

Why did the Dodgers pull their pitcher in the first inning?

My guy literally would not let me bet the over lol

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