Major League Baseball (Part 1)

The World’s Smallest Outdoor Cocktail Party


hard to be even upset as an astros fan, can’t really even root for them at all

besides like altuve

All-Star Sabo-Metrics recognizes the Los Angeles Dodgers as 2020 West Pennant winners !!!1!

Dodgers Franchise Pennants (* won WS): 1889 (AA as Brooklyn), 1890, 1900, 1920, 1941, 1947, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1955*, 1956 (NL as Brooklyn), 1959*, 1963*, 1965*, 1966, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1981*, 1988* (NL), 2020 (West).

Background: With the advent of inter-league play in 1997, All-Star Sabo-Metrics discontinued the recognition of distinct AL, NL pennant winners. Instead, the World Series champ has been considered the winner of a MLB unified pennant. Thus, All-Star Sabo-Metrics doesn’t recognize the Dodgers as pennant winners in 2017 or 2018. However, the regionally segregated schedule used in 2020 has reinstated the concept of distinct pennants. Therefore, All-Star Sabo-Metrics will recognize West, Central, East Pennant winners for 2020.

1889 AA Brooklyn Bridegrooms

Analysis: With the well deserved demise of the Cheatin’ Luser Astros yesterday, none of the AL West teams will face any of the NL West teams in the playoffs. This renders the divisional distinction in the West moot. The Dodgers had the best regular season record (43-17), will end up with the best combined playoff and regular season record, and swept the team with the second best record (3-0 over Sabo’s Padres) out of the playoffs.

Lol Barves. Da Fuk? Double TOOTBLAN on one play. In Game 7.

Dodgers figured out they didn’t have to wait until there were 2 outs to start a rally.

All-Star Sabo-Metrics recognizes the Tampa Bay Rays as 2020 East Pennant winners !!!1!


Background: With the advent of inter-league play in 1997, All-Star Sabo-Metrics discontinued the recognition of distinct AL, NL pennant winners. Instead, the World Series champ has been considered the winner of a MLB unified pennant. Thus, All-Star Sabo-Metrics recognizes 2020 as the Rays first pennant (not and 2008). However, the regionally segregated schedule used in 2020 has reinstated the concept of distinct pennants. Therefore, All-Star Sabo-Metrics has recognized West (Dodgers), Central (Twins), East (Rays) pennant winners for 2020.

2020 Tampa Bay Rays

Analysis: With the Braves loss right now, none of the AL East teams will face any of the NL East teams in the playoffs. This renders the divisional distinction in the East moot. The Rays had the best regular season record (40-20), will end up with the best combined playoff and regular season record, and eliminated both of the East teams (Buffalo Jays, Yankees) they faced in the playoffs.

FYI: (playoffs in parens)…

WS Franchise all-time @GLF Pennant
6 Dodgers 13-10 9-4 (7-3) West
Rays East

The Dodgers have won six World Series and are 13-10 all-time vs Rays. At Globe Life Field the Dodgers are 9-4 (including 7-3 in the playoffs). The Rays have never won a World Series, have never faced the Dodgers in postseason, did not play the Dodgers in 2020, and have yet to play at Globe Life Field.

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I speak for Mets fans everywhere when I say with all my heart. L LOL OOLLL LOLOL I’LL LOL braves

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No Jansen huh?


o well go Rays I guess

Randy MVP

Get in before the sharps.

Im trying so hard not to get my hopes up again this year

Dave Roberts: They were unselfish!

Like what bro this isn’t basketball.

That stadium is an architectural monstrosity. Haven’t seen geometric shapes that uninteresting since Playstation I.

Concrete monolith apartments in Eastern Bloc countries have more style than these billionaire brainchild stadiums.

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It’s mid november 2020. Trump lost the election in a landslide so severe that there was no dispute. The dodgers are world series champions. The masters is on. Life is good.

It’s too good to happen, right? Well, the masters is a lock at least.

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Fucking Braves

I guess there’s no Open Championship this year since they missed their two months of passably playable weather window?

Yea it’s cancelled. But we’re still getting something like 6 majors in 6 months or something crazy

Happy very strange World Series !!!1! It may be covid compromised, but it’s all we got…, and could well be all we’re going to get for awhile.

The full 162 game regular season schedule for 2021 was released before the 2020 season commenced, Will it be played? Will it be played as scheduled?

  • If, in the next three months, there is a medical breakthrough, and things go back to normal… I’d expect it would be a lock that the 2021 season will be played as scheduled. Both the owners and players would desire a season of full revenue/wages after 2020. And… the fans would be extremely disappointed in not having a normal season to greet the newly re-normal world.

  • If things are as they were during the 2020 regular season, with no fans at the games… I’m finding it very hard to be optimistic about 2021. The same dynamic as 2020 would obtain, except both the owners and players would have a very good idea how things might be… as opposed to being completely in the dark as this season.

The only reason there was a 2020 season is this: soon after spring training was suspended, the two parties agreed to (a) the players taking what turned out to be a 63% pay cut, and (b) that the owners could unilaterally impose a schedule. Then the owners proceeded to openly stall and ask for give-backs on top of the already agreed to give-backs to finagle to get their way and shrink the regular season to 60 games. This is text book bad faith negotiations. Which the MLBPA is grieving.

The CBA ends after the 2021 season. That is already a contentious situation for many reasons, including the obvious hard y/o soft collusion the owners have been doing to free agency the last several seasons. If the player’s grievance regarding the owner’s bad faith in 2020 is upheld this off-season, that would ratchet up that contention higher. There’s a very good chance this could all flow-backwards, so to speak, and severely impact the 2021 season.

This could happen perhaps three ways: (1) the owners just cancel the season; (2) the owners claim (reasonably) that things like health & safety guidelines, and details of play like the 7-inning games, need to be negotiated with the players, as was done this season. But… after pretending to negotiate for a while, the owners call an “impasse”, and (unreasonably) lock the players out; or (3) same as #2 except the owners induce a strike by declaring an impasse then unilaterally imposing completely unreasonable health/etc rules.

Under any circumstance, it’s hard to imagine the owners opening spring training without an agreement, at least in principle, in hand. So we should know by mid-February if things are going in this direction.

  • Perhaps the most likely scenario is what’s happening during the World Series, and what’s happening in the NFL and FBS… stadiums open to partial capacity. Would 3/4 of the teams at 1/4 capacity satiate the owner’s greed? IDK, but unfortunately, it’s not at all unlikely that we’re all going to find out rather soon.

2020 WS Sabo the dog Me
Pick Rays in 4 Dodgers in 6
Back Rays Rays
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I guess $1.2 billion doesn’t goes as far as it used to. What do the good architects cost now? Also note that owners are invariably part of the “don’t raise mah taxes” class except, well, when they want to build a new billion dollar monstrosity, in which case let’s do a bigly regressive tax.

The project cost for Globe Life Field is approximately $1.2 billion. The master agreement for this public-private partnership calls for a 50-50 split between the Texas Rangers and the City of Arlington, with the City’s financial contribution capped at $500 million. The City’s contribution be will funded by a ½ cent sales tax, 2% hotel tax, and a 5% car rental tax. The Texas Rangers’ original 30-year lease on the City-owned Globe Life Park in Arlington was set to end in 2024. With the new master agreement, the Rangers’ partnership with Arlington extends until January 1, 2054.

It’s really special in this case though because the old stadium is only 22 years old. Why do they need a new stadium?

The Rangers cited weather as the reason why attendances at Globe Life Park were lower than in other baseball stadiums in major metropolitan areas, since it was prone to high temperatures and rain delays. Therefore, the Rangers proposed that their new ballpark should be constructed with a roof.

Oh, climate. It’s fucking poetic–a structure ripped straight out of an Orson Welles dream paid for (partially) by taxes because the global warming hoax is hurting ticket sales.

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