lolCanada Thread

I don’t see how his shtick will play nationally in the general.

Calling sweetsummerchild I know.


The secret sauce for Canadian conservatives has always been to split the popular support for liberal policies between the Ls and NDP. Harper was considered a dominant conservative politician and never attained 40% of the popular vote.

I mean Ontario re-elected Ford, and it’s hard to imagine any regions voting Trudeau over a steaming dog turd, so I don’t see how Conservatives lose, but I guess a lot can change between now and 2025

Ford doesn’t seem like the same kind of rabid foaming at the mouth right wing psycho as PP. I want to believe his brand of trump light won’t play here nationally.

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Ford is a more conventional ignorant buffoon son of a rich guy. He has some deplorable tendencies, but they come more from ignorance. Little Pee Pee is a active hate mongering asshole that wants to use culture war nonsense to advance his own career and power grab.


Lots of nice graphs

I like how SK/MB are lumped together like they’re the Dakotas or something. Same with ATL.

They basically are. Population isn’t large enough to reliably report on them separately.

Each of those regions have basically a quarter the population of New York City.

Yeah, I like it. We should do something similar here.

This is how you do it

100k for a car isn’t even that much these days. I’m just trying to get to work here

If this isn’t a zikzak batsignal, I don’t know what is.

Take the bus like I can only assume Justin Trudeau does.

NOBODY is taking the bus here in Ottawa even if they want to.

“While it is sadly popular nowadays to think that the world would be better off without humans,” a cached version of the essay reads, “or that Albertan children are unnecessary as we can import foreigners to replace ourselves, this is a sickly mentality that amounts to a drive for cultural suicide.”

Women’s “biological reality” is also under attack from a “present day delusion,” the essay continues.

“Women are not exactly equal to men,” it says. “To try to promote that women break into careers that men traditionally dominate is not only misguided, but it is harmful.”

Lol, the prizes are credit in the legislature gift shop

So proud of my province.

I am going to assume that they received only three essays. The alternative makes me sad.


If he needs to go to the ER, he’s in for a bit of a shock.