LOL LAW forever

Pretty much completely irrelevant. The investigation and trial were shit with errors and more importantly, actual fuckery.

Not guilty is the same as innocent in the eyes of the law. Not morally/ethically.

We shouldn’t execute people cause we can’t be trusted to get it right (putting aside moral objections).


It’s a travesty.

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Yeah this is why I did not say “innocent man”, I haven’t done a deep dive at all.

I would settle for “possibly innocent man” or “man whose guilt or innocence is extremely difficult to determine because of our fucked up system of justice but in any event should definitely not have been executed”.

If only there was some principle that we could refer to.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Sounds innocent to me.

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For those following the Young Thug/YSL trial, there is a fairly decent chance the judge is about to grant a mistrial. She just went off on the prosecutor for misleading the court about what evidence they were going to present, and accused them of either being completely incompetent or purposefully deceitful.

Even if she doesn’t grant the motion, it’s probably only a matter of time given how fed up she is, and the fact that the prosecutors are going to do this again.

edit: Motion for mistrial denied, but judge excluding some of the evidence, and still not happy.

lol judge not happy!


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Last sentence is incredible.


thanks Merrick.

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I have minimal experience with courts but one thing I’ve observed, and it’s not just these Trump cases, is that a lot of judges are fucking cowards. They will take the path of least resistance over what is morally right almost every time.

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Oh yes, definitely.

Unless you’re a powerless citizen. Then they’re willing to go full pedal to the metal in handing out harsh punishments

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this is better than vacating the conviction

For now, but he’s also letting Trump file a motion to dismiss. He just hasn’t ruled on that issue yet.

So much of what the average judge does is in the shadows and garners zero publicity. When they are put under a spotlight they get yellow.

trump fought the law and LOL LAW


That’s kind of my point though. Punishing the powerless is a pretty low resistance path.