LOL LAW forever

I’m having second thoughts about that can of rat shitless beef stew I had for lunch


Are you like the last person to know the lady was fully justified? Google it


Simp has the same level of reading comprehension as Ike’s

Not enough lols in all of lolistan


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what a shitty headline. he arrested her and then publicly humiliated her and made her ask him for mercy for his own ego.

Yeah also missing is that she was in no way a part of any court proceeding, nor was court in any way in session when this happened.

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Damn, I thought she might have been in juvie court. No she was on a field trip and had nothing to do with the court at all. She accidently fell asleep, and woke up to have a judge arrest her, force her into prison garb, hold her for hours, and then ask her classmates if he should jail her.

Eventually, King asked Goodman’s peers by a show of hands to indicate whether he should let her go or send her to jail. Amid nervous laughter, most agreed he should show leniency, according to the video, which has since been removed from YouTube.

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young thug trial update: judge and prosecutor meet with witness (with no intention of telling anyone), defense finds out and calls judge out in court, judge is mad he found out and tells attorney he has 5 mins to tell him how he found out, attorney does not, judge has attorney arrested. attorney says his client is now being denied council and asks for a mistrial, judge says lol law?

That was like three month ago. Since then, judge was recused from the case (of course the judge that ordered him recused said he didn’t really do anything wrong, other than not immediately stopping the trial to allow for the motion to recuse to be considered).

New judge seems much better and more fair, she’s been hammering at the prosecutors for doing shady stuff. She’s yet to actually hit them with any real sanctions - all she’d done is order them to do a training on Brady obligations and then rebuked them in front of the jury for asking improper questions - but it’s at least a start and she’s not just turning a blind eye/aiding them like Glanville was. Also seems possible she’s laying groundwork to actually hit them hard if they continue this.


I think this happened months ago. The judge put the defense attorney in jail, and then he got removed from the trial by the appeals court. Obviously there will be no real consequences for the judge because, lol law.

Sorry my pony is frail.

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I saw this a while ago. Did the first judge ever hold the defense attorney in contempt as he threatened upon getting caught?

Yes, he was held in contempt and sentenced to 20 days in jail. The attorney appealed and hasn’t had to serve the sentence yet.

Ya think, morons?


lol you think Litchwick and Stern are morons? They are easily the best legal reporters out there and would fit in perfectly on UP. I’m going to guess you have never heard them speak or read their work.

So Missouri is about to execute an almost certainly innocent man. Even the prosecutor moved to vacate the conviction. Not sure how much it will help but there are places to call / write to demand he not be executed.

It would appear the phone number is not currently working, much like our justice system.


… and he’s dead.


The conviction should obviously have been vacated, I’m not so sure about “almost certainly innocent” though:

The investigation had gone cold until a jail inmate named Henry Cole, a man with a lengthy record, claimed that Mr. Williams confessed to him that he committed the murder while they were both locked up in jail. Cole directed police to Laura Asaro, a woman who had briefly dated Mr. Williams and had an extensive record of her own.

A witness testified at trial that Williams sold him the victim’s laptop. Williams did not testify, but claimed after the trial that he had been given the laptop by Asaro.

The fact that either Williams or Asaro had the laptop confirms that this Cole guy was not just throwing darts and accusing someone at random. Consider then the options: if it’s not Williams, it means Asaro and/or Cole are the culprits themselves, in which case it would be a pretty wild gamble to dig up a cold case and try to stitch someone else up in it. It also doesn’t make a lot of sense that Williams did not counter-accuse Asaro at trial if it’s true that he received the laptop from her. Blaming poor representation only goes so far, that would be a fact you would be screaming to have included.

Some stories about the case mention that DNA found on the murder weapon did not match Williams and that this was exculpatory. Most of them do not mention that the DNA did match an investigator in the case, which demonstrates that the police contaminated evidence, but doesn’t exclude Williams as the culprit.

Edit: In fact reading the judgement court in denying appeal, it is not even true that Williams was prevented from suggesting that Asaro had the laptop:

It’s honestly pointless looking at these cases without going back to the actual trials, as the media reports on them are always riddled with errors.

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