LOL LAW forever



I’m sure lol law is prepared to appropriately deal with this given this asshole has suffered exactly zero actual consequences to date

It’s hard to deal with people who hide and transfer assets like Jones. Some of it can be criminal, but takes a lot of motivation and effort to follow through, including from the police. In a “normal” case it wouldn’t be economical.

I’m dealing with a case now where a client is owed $450k, but I spoke to a collection attorney who filed an $18k judgement lien on the company and they were managing to avoid his collection efforts, and that’s his specialty.

My job is to get the judgement, but I told the client that he may be fighting over the carcass of the company with other creditors in bankruptcy court.

A Confession starring Martin Freeman was a fantastic LOL LAW and LOL COPS series. Based on a true story, but still won’t spoil the ending. Pretty good if you can handle overperformed acting and overuse of handicam.

Google Sian O’Callaghan for a spoil synopsis. Tried to link to wiki but the embed spoils lol

Every time

Cycle is pretty predictable at this point:

  1. Bad guy subpoenaed!

  2. Twitter gets excited

  3. Bad guy fights subpoena

  4. Court #1 says LOL of course you have to testify

  5. Twitter even more excited

  6. Either Court #2 overrules or Bad Guy shows up and says “Fif!!!”


  1. The end

  2. See #1 for next bad guy

“Months not weeks.” US justice system got out of whack there for a bit and things looked like they were happening. Oops, not anymore!

And then there is Justin Sneed.

To hear the state tell it, Sneed was simply too clueless to have orchestrated the murder of Van Treese on his own, notwithstanding the savagery of his actions on January 7. But the Reed Smith investigation makes clear not only that Sneed was far savvier than the prosecution made him out to be, but also that the state had evidence of this in its possession long before Glossip was ever tried.

Cliff notes: Oklahoma wants to execute a guy who supposedly cajoled his subordinate into killing the owner of the hotel they worked for in exchange for splitting the cash. But there are a lot of holes in the theory that pretty much only rests on the murderer’s testimony.

But the quoted part is baffling. Even if the guy is smarter than most supposed, he went into the guy’s hotel room and killed him with a baseball bat, made no effort to hide the body, and tried to run away. People kill other people with weapons all the time, it takes the bare minimum intelligence at all.

The court accepted the notion that were it not for Glossip, Sneed wouldn’t have known about the money in Van Treese’s car. This too was wrong. “He always kept money,” Garcia said of Van Treese. It was common knowledge among the motel regulars, including Sneed, who Garcia said had been agitating to steal from Van Treese for a while — including by trying to get one of her fellow dancers to help out.

This is the only part in the story where Sneed would have depended on Glossip for knowledge but even so, come on, everyone has a good idea where the money goes.


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This may seem only tangentially related to the nominal topic of this thread, buuuuut I am just curious whether what the show Squid Game depicts is well… 100% real murder in a psychopath murder prison attached to a cannibalism restaurant, attached to an organ harvesting scheme, attached to psychopath billionaire “kibitzers.” Is the violence in this show really a special effect? It looks insanely real. Couldn’t they have just recorded all the Hollywood backstory parts separately and let it rip? What evidence is there that at least some part of it isn’t just real, near-impossible to identify Korean citizens getting murdered for real?

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Too serious answer incoming:

My simplest argument is that at least some of the actors who died on the show have given live interviews since the show aired and some of their deaths happened the same way and/or looked as realistic as a lot of the deaths by the more extraneous characters.


(a) how would you completely protect the people you wanted to stay alive during live fire games even if they mess up? Multiple people are just getting mowed down during red light green light and you are 100% confident that one of your leads isn’t going to catch a stray or be used as a human shield by an extra who suddenly realizes that people are actually dying? How well could you rig things like the blackout riot scenes to protect your leads while still filming it in ways that don’t look green screened/cgi? Just watch a single Marvel movie and you’ll know that cgi isn’t good enough to simulate some of the stuff they did practically.

(B) you think they did all the games in one take or did they somehow find a bunch of completely expendable twins and triplets whose siblings were somehow magically also people who wouldn’t be missed? Seems unlikely.

(C) In addition to all of the normal tv cast and crew, you’d need a ton of security to stop the red shirts from rioting. Literally none of those people have dropped a dime? I don’t buy it.


Yeah, I was not expecting something even half as serious.

I thought the DrModern post was some sort of joke that went way over my head.

Is that a thing that people actually think?

LOL Jones Day is known as possibly the single most soulless law firm in the entire world. They will represent ANYONE.

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K&E just called to say hi. And there are seven associates on the call for no clear reason.


Here for all the biglaw slander. If you think nobody gets it or nobody is laughing you’re wrong.

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All interesting and useful observations. If you are interested in my claim that what it depicts is at least partly real violence, if you’ve already seen the show in English and know what happens at the end, etc., put the show in the original Korean, turn the subtitles completely off, turn off the lights in your living room (lock your doors), and then watch it.

Texas court rules requiring HIV drug coverage violates freedom of religion.

By any of this logic, couldn’t a Hindu person stop all cow slaughter?

This is the special Texas judge so logic not allowed.

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