LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Conspiracy time but maybe those running the media dont want dems to nuke the filibuster because that could lead to higher taxes for them.

Hell the anchors making millions probably dont either. I expect this to get both sides treatment the whole time and that point its hard to justify " the media just doesnt get it "

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“The two sides can’t reach an agreement” coverage is absolutely fucking infuriating and while Democrats are better than they used to be on this they need to be much more forceful and coordinated in fighting that bullshit narrative.

The media is almost all personally liberal but they are perennially both sidesing cowards who are successfully bullied daily.

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I think the “media doesn’t get it” should be interpreted as they don’t know how huge of an inflection point it is precisely right now or how to present it in a way that doesn’t sound like an esoteric case law study. Wouldn’t surprise me if Maddow leads with it tonight though. I don’t doubt that there’s corporate pressure to keep the filibuster on and that some of that pressure is applied through media. I mean of course it is.

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The media isn’t reporting on it because the status quo is good for the corporate overlords. The Dems aren’t nuking the filibuster. I would bet a lot of money on it. If I’m right that means Biden’s term resembles 2011-2016 and we are in for a very boring four years of obstructionism and not much else.

I mean knowing what we know about the Dems is there any chance they pick the clear and obvious solution for progress? Of course not.


Like instead of informing the public about this absolutely crucial, literal save the god damn country issue, the NYT chooses to publish this. Chapo Trap House Fuck You screaming to eternity.

Jesus fucking christ another luxury good article? Lmfao @ Shinola as an Everyman’s watch.

And let’s be real the Dems aren’t winning 60 Senate seats again in our lifetime and even if they did there will be enough Feinstein/Manchin types to prevent anything progressive.

Nuking the current Dem party power holders has always been the only solution. It’s why Biden wrestling back control of the party from the Bernie/AOC wing is such a disaster. It’s why the media and all the other corporate stooge candidates made sure that happened. The party will continue to put all its money and might behind corporate shitlibs and any chance for real change is a fantasy at this point.

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A decent Shinola is somewhere on par with a cheaper Rolex, right?

Not really, but it’s definitely mid-tier and way out of the league of Timex.

Schatz fired.


In more important Biden coverage:

His excuse is that he didn’t know his mic was live? These fucking people…


It’s not a bad habit, it’s a bad worldview, and if it’s the result of being old, the solution is not to accept it but to remove old people who think this way from power.

Seriously, fuck this guy.

After 23 months of negotiations and stalemate, Chuck Schumer was asked if he thought that Mitch McConnell was trying to run out the clock to reach the end of this 2-year election cycle. Schumer said no, he is sure that his good friend Mitch McConnell is negotiating in good faith. He added that he is hopeful that they’ll reach an agreement in the next week or two.


Not so fast:

Displeasure with Bickford’s handling of the scandal is not unique to Cambridge, though Bickford was recently reelected party chair by a landslide on the back of the state party’s entrenched old guard. Lifetime members — who are allowed to serve at will without running for their position — overwhelmingly backed Bickford, who beat out challengers Bob Massie and Mike Lake with 62 percent of the vote in the November 12 contest.

I didn’t know this. It’s way worse than I thought. This gives me something specific to work for.

You know what, good for her




She still needs two more terms before she surpasses Strom Thurmond as the biggest Senate fossil. What an inspiration!