LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Joke’s on the Dems. We’re not making it another 20 years.


53% of Gen Xers voted for R’s in the 2022 House election? WTF?! Pathetic.

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Raising the voting age, an idea they’re already floating, maybe buys them another ten years or so.

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I call them the Demonrats. I just made that up

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I have been hearing this for 30 years (I was a weirdo small child who read the newspaper and watched the ABC nightly national news) with the same kind of numbers supposedly “proving” it

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I read that if Feinstein resigns, the GOP would block any replacement on the Judiciary Committee, thus halting any judicial appointments until the new term. So we’re screwed either way.

Today I had my first shift on the phones at the district office, and I had to listen to a guy rant for 15 minutes saying that State Senator Toni Atkins should PRESSURE Governor Newsom to DEMAND Feinstein resign. Somewhere in the middle he actually admitted that he knew a state senator really had no power in this instance, but that she should do it anyway…and he was going to keep calling back every WEEK until Feinstein resigns. :roll_eyes:

The other calls I got were, quite dishearteningly, from several different folks of South Asian descent lodging their opposition to a bill to make caste a protected class in CA. Moral/social relativism says we should listen to them and oppose the bill, but this is a pretty good example of why relativism can be bad, actually…

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I believe they can get around that if they actually wanted to


I thought I’d had a stroke reading this the first time and not noticing Onion


What was their reasoning?

They have to repeal the 26th amendment. GL with that.

some argle bargle about how the bill reinforces stereotypes about South Asians. They have obviously been given talking points, because many of them had very similar or identical comments.

Looking through the constituent comment management system we have, it’s REALLY apparent when a bill is highlighted in the news and what the opposition talking points are…because they’re repeated ad nauseum. I didn’t say right wing, because we’re getting a TON of rich white NIMBY dems bitching about how removing single family zoning is gonna ruin their city.

Doesn’t matter if all the young people live in NY and California and the Republicans can win the presidency with 42% of the vote and win the Senate by holding 20 of the smallest 25 states

What’s his handle here?

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Also every young voter who currently supports Dems is just a potential future fascist. Some person that is currently 25 and wants progressive policies will later have kids and buy a suburban home and have all their Tough On Crime and Trans People Are Groomers After Your Child lizard brain fascism activated. People don’t all die with the same political beliefs they had at 25.

Not sure that “potential” and “future” are necessary there. We’ve seen evidence of that on this very forum.

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I can’t believe anyone is writing with a straight face in 2023 that Republicans are doomed due to demographics if they don’t change their policies. I was thinking it was ironic and some refuting data was held in the table.

We’ve been through this before. Fetch is not happening.


I don’t know. Surely they can pull all kinds of nonsense to suppress youth voting when they have the SCOTUS bought and paid for.

I don’t see how anyone can get excited over these kinds of polls when we live in a country with what is effectively a minoritarian government. Like 2/3rds of Americans support abortions rights but those are getting taken away.

People love the idea that their personal political beliefs and the resultant outcomes are inevitable. Shining City On The Hill, etc.

Can this woman run for president please?

Reasonable people can have disagreements on whether we should ban abortion at 20 weeks or 12 weeks, or even six weeks. But some of this basic civil rights shit, I’m just like: What the fuck is wrong with you? I don’t talk to them. I don’t acknowledge them. I don’t want to work with them. I literally don’t think that they’re good people.

Somebody on Twitter was like, “Oh, you’re gonna lose your next election because you won’t have their donor list.” And I was like: Bitch, I’ve never seen a donor list in my life. Is the party supposed to help you fundraise? I’ve literally never heard of that. The national Democrats never noticed anything we were doing in Nebraska until one or two of us got a little popular on Twitter. Then it was like, all of a sudden, we’re your favorite? Shut up.