LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

That was the best part

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Similar to otatop’s post above: it could go in several places, but I am posting this here because all of the information about this guy was freely available to anyone who bothered to look before he ever announced his candidacy. Meanwhile, neither his opponent nor the DCCC nor Dem officials in NY, apparently, bothered to do even a minimal amount of digging on this piece of shit.

So long story short, the Dems basically handed a seat to a guy in a Biden +8 district out of sheer laziness

Voters were told, for example, that Santos attended NYU. The school has no record of a student matching his name or birth date. He also said he graduated in 2010 from Baruch College, which also “could find no record of anyone matching his name and date of birth graduating that year.”

The Republican then supposedly worked at Citigroup as “an associate asset manager.” The finance giant has no record of his employment — or his supposed title. He also claimed to spend some time at Goldman Sachs, which came as a surprise to Goldman Sachs.

Santos claimed to help run a tax-exempt organization that the Internal Revenue Service has never heard of, and also claimed to own a company — the Devolder Organization — that is “something of a mystery.” The Times added, “And while Mr. Santos has described a family fortune in real estate, he has not disclosed, nor could The Times could find, records of his properties.”

The New York Republican wouldn’t respond to the newspaper’s questions, and when a reporter went to his ostensible address — where he is registered to vote — the person who answered the door yesterday said “she was not familiar with him.”


Dems agree to start kicking people off Medicaid this April regardless of whether a public health emergency still exists.

Promises made. Promises kept.

$858,000,000,000 for the offense budget tho

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Dude, you have to make compromises to get Child Tax Credit back and to end the use of the debt ceiling as a weapon.

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Remember when I bet @microbet Biden would have a lower defence budget. lol me.

That was sweet summer clovis.



The thing is, I get it. This is why:

There aren’t many diverse states in the middle of the country, but I really think New Mexico should be given consideration. Diverse, blue, small enough (population-wise) that the concerns given in the second article can be addressed, and it has a decent mix of urban, rural, and suburban areas.

Delaware is another consideration, but it would look like favoritism on Biden’s part.

The solution is not to put a new strip of duct tape on the massive gapping hole. The entire nominating process is garbage top to bottom. It needs to go.

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Replaced by

Arguably, the people who are complaining about the primary system for nominating presidential candidates are being overly superficial when the greater problem might be having a presidential rather then primary system.

You could replace any aspect of the US electoral system, and end up ahead, by just placing all the ways every other democracy does that aspect in a hat and randomly drawing. That’s how bad the US system is, top to bottom.


The reason the US system is the way it is is because the states didn’t give up enough sovereignty in moving from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. This defect was noted in the debate over the British North American Act, 1867.

Fair enough. I was just wondering if there was a specific model that you thought would work better. (Other than “all of them”, lol, which is probably correct too.)

Is there any aspect of the US electoral system that someone would argue is best among the options?

I’m really thinking hard here and coming up empty

biggest problem really is this axiomatic belief that “the founders” were some sort of divine oracles, if we could break that myth then we could start talking about why everything is so broken, but for most people it’s like “well these dipshit white dudes said so 200 years ago so it must be correct” and you can’t even start the conversation.


I mean that shit is SO ingrained that it leaks into discussions about shit that the founders didn’t even have anything to do with like the fillibuster, the primary system etc