LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I calculate that nearly all boomers will be dead or incapable of working by the time millennials are about 40. gonna be an interesting time. only the oldest millennials are now, and that’s a bit of a different crowd than the younger ones. I’m smack in the middle, I think.

there’s some generational conflict brewin between gen z’ers and millennials too. call me a boomer one more time, kid.

if you’re a millennial and had all but the most priviliged upbringing, you can and should be very very angry at boomers. that article is baffling.

I wonder if his tune’s gonna change when he gets to retirement age and realizes these wonderful boomers jacked up the age you can retire by like a decade when we were still in our teens.

I can’t even begin to explain how many 60-75 year old white males there are in my industry making $250k+ for doing a mediocre job for 10-20 hours per week. These people truly have absolutely no idea how anything works, yet nobody is ever fired. It’s astonishing.


I’m going to need some opinion pieces about why centrists should be welcoming of socialists under a Democratic big tent.

There is something to be said for experience. There needs to be a balance. Some of the older folks have political savvy that good activists should probably be using to actually get things done.

The San Diego County Dem Party is run by young Dem activists. They succeeded in pushing out all of the older folks a few years ago.

We’re very “progressive.” In all the performative ways that people are supposed to be progressive. But because the party leadership utterly disdains the experience of our older members, some of whom have been organizing and fighting to turn this county blue over the last 30 years, we are in total disarray.

We refuse to endorse democrats in races where there is only one dem running because they aren’t perfectly aligned with the platform, which is mostly concerned with national issues and doesn’t address real issues faced by local jurisdictions in the county.

We fight over whether to support the unions or the “progressive candidate” when they are split on issues. We often take the “progressive” side without recognizing that the area of the county it would affect is far from progressive, and give up chances to actually flip seats or issues because the candidate isn’t perfect.

Meanwhile, the older Gen X and “boomers” who have been fighting the fight for years are warning about the results, are never listened to, and when we lose, all they can do is sit and say “we told you so.”

So, progress isn’t really being made…we just stagnate.



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Is there an index fund that tracks Pelosi’s stock purchases?

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is this lawyering?

wow, she’s really good at stonking! such clairvoyance

how is this not investigated like at all?

When was the last time a prominent 8+ figure individual was indicted for financial crimes?

Madoff? That was over a decade ago.

but not even a show of an investigation, just like “oh well, this is totally normal and fine”

Congressional trading is legal, pretty sure regular insider trading laws still apply. Of course by “apply” I mean by text only, lol at ever enforcing. Pretty ridiculous not to have an outright ban though. I have a friend at the FDA who is banned from trading like any drug or healthcare stock despite not even having first hand access to anything relevant.


No. The STOCK Act very specifically bans congressional inside trading.


I think you mean :leolol:

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mr pelosi. oh wait you said financial. ny rep collins got nabbed for insider trading

Sounds bad. How many years did he do?

Googled it. 26 months? Guy must not have had top tier lawyers like Rudy defending him.

A glimpse at the future of election law in a post-Moore world.

Cliff notes: state legislature passed election laws are not reviewable by the courts, bound by state constitutions, or containable by Congress.

Dems need to either pack the Supreme Court by 2024 to reverse what is coming or, at the very least, control state legislatures in every competitive state in 2024 or it is game over.

It’s up to Rapey McLikebeer to stop it.

Nah, I’m pretty sure he’s fully on board with the “independent state legislature doctrine” which I think is the fancy name for “states’ rights” these days. It’s all down to the notorious ACB.


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