LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Lol “two days in jail” just means he was held overnight when he was arrested. I would bet he spent less than 10 hours in jail.

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post-ww2 era military spending on well-being was more per soldier, primarily because wartime expenses were converted into peacetime programs. the GI bill was extra (not willing to look this up, but correct me if so), and it was a huge social elevator, although there was also korean war which shook the budgets back and forth. by the times of vietnam, the social spending whittled away, because VA healthcare ate a much higher proportion than expected.

fast forward through the 80s 90s 00s, a huge spending increase in defense were on weapon development, which worked because it saved a lot of soldier casualties (rockets and drones and such). it worked too, i haven’t seen many argue that the weapons race didn’t contribute to soviet fall.

we are now another decade after any major operational success, and $3T in iraq/afghanistan costs later, US is back to really needing to revamp the social programs for the military. the salaries and benefits are lagging private sector by so much, that the army missed its recruiting targets for the first time right before the pandemic. navy is also stretched in personnel, although there’s another bottleneck on the size of the fleet. it’s overcommitted.

if we talk priorities, i would rank healthcare for all to be approximately same priority as free public college, and both much higher priority than cutting the pentagon budget. hell, codifying Roe and VRA is much higher than cutting anything from the fighting branches, while SpaceForce and Coast Guard probably need additional funding as is.

Vets have a super high suicide rate as well. I thought about becoming a vet when I was a kid but glad I didn’t.

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I was surprised to hear this, but I’ve recently come to know a vet fairly well and she has mentioned this. They deal with a lot of death and very upset people. She did an emergency operation on her dog and that was really hard - dog ended up fine. There’s a lot of suicide and drug addiction.

Welcome to brutality of the UP echo chamber!

Actually, what really put my mom (retired vet) under a lot of distress were owners who gave zero fucks about putting down their animal.


Haven’t you literally been telling people that they’ve been posting Kremlin propaganda or am I getting you mixed up with someone else


In his defense, those people were, in fact, posting Kremlin propaganda.

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So is the best strategy to just continue to make interest only payments on their student loans for the rest of their days on the off chance that their loans will get forgiven? Pretty fucked up and costly for debt holders to float the idea of cancelling the debt if it’s just political horseshit.

Maybe people shouldn’t be focused on gaming the system and the government should create enough uncertainty on loan forgiveness to make people wary of gambling and not feel entitled to free money.

I wouldn’t categorize not making principal payments on a loan when someone else advertises that they will be paying it for you to be gaming the system.

Telling people that you’re going to pay their bill for them and not follow through on it when revolving debt is often someone’s biggest hindrance is exactly gaming the system.

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if they go for something actually meaningful everyone should be instantly wary, they want people to stfu and stop silent quitting and whenever the topic ever comes up again about sensible education costs they’ll be like “havent we given you ENOUGH?” and we’ll just go back to our cubicle and nod

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I don’t know about that. This sounds kind of like dispute to me:

The key here is the “that well”. It’s relative and based on your frame of reference. Some will say that 150K/yr with 300K debt is still better off than the vast majority of Americans. Others will say that those numbers are pretty sad given the road to get there. Neither side is wrong.

There are places where the residents have done exactly this and successfully gotten concessions.

What were those concessions exactly?

It varies.

If you think that’s bad, you should check out dental residencies. Spoiler alert: many dental residents pay tuition (instead of getting paid like medical residents).

Not really. They’re all not very substantial, or at least very few.

Well, they definitely do vary depending on which case you are talking about. Substantial is subjective. I’m sure the beneficiaries (i.e. the residents) would tell you that they make a noticeable difference.