LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

But she’s so divisive!

They can just do that!? They don’t have to spend a year sending out subpoenas?


What I do like about this is it’s probably legal in some round about “look we aren’t actually giving the money directly to them for X so it’s not technically bribery” but it really is bribery, legal or not so might as well hint that it is.

Well they referred it to the DOJ so most likely Merrick Garland will spend a year sending out subpoenas before shoving them up his own ass.

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Change the rules you fucking morons

Didn’t they?

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This is one of those situations where a word gets memory holed, in this case “swift”, to turn a reasonable situation into a lol Dems conspiracy.

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Yes it’s very reasonable that one person can slow down passage on something that the other 99 agree is urgent enough to get two deeply polarized parties in a perfectly split body to 99% agree. It’s even more reasonable that he can still slow it down with his bullshit spending concerns even after the other 99 offered him a vote on a special inspector general to oversee spending.

This is not at all a sign of a stupid body with stupid rules, nor an indication of a failing democracy.

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This is actually standard parliamentary procedure not unique to the Senate. It doesn’t stop a bill, just delays it by making the Senate go through a bunch of procedures.

Here’s an example of denial of unanimous consent being used against Republicans.


Dan Price hasn’t tweeted in 3+ weeks oof. Avanetti energy.

He gave off heavy fraud vibes to me. Is there a story or something?

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Sexual assault accusations. Gotta say I was suckered into thinking he was for real but yeah just a bit too good to be true.

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Damn. Yet another example that anyone that desperate for attention, even if they’re saying the right things, is probably a piece of shit.

I get heavy fraud vibes from basically every LinkedIn Guru type. It’s all word salad to me. It definitely makes me feel empowered to achieve wellness by leading with empathy though.


On the graph of damage done to the world Vs being well known clyburn must be one of the top right most people. Not as and as shell executives obviously but close.

Well, thankfully Clyburn ensured that Joe was Dem nominee. Think how bad it would be if we had Bernie as President, the Republicans would be calling him a Radical Socialist and refusing to work with him!


A SIX MONTH effort to come up with the term “ultra MAGA.” One can only imagine the progress made in those meetings. ActBlue™ probably covered the space rental, transportation, appearance fees, food, gift bags etc.

See Jack, Red, Pop, we got sharp cats in a room, 5, 6, what is it, 6 months now? Like a pressure cooker of American resilience in … (pause) in there with ideas. You know you can start a '73 Ford with a screwdriver, my dad was a magician with cars, boy could he make that car hum.


A six-month research effort for that?

Do I even want to know the rejected ideas?