LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

What exactly does he think the Governor of California is supposed to do about funding the USPS?

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People have to stop giving additional weight to the political opinions of celebrities. They’re no smarter than the average person. It’s pretty much the only thing Trump supporters and I agree on.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

I wonder what lies liberals take on. I suppose a lot of things from are far-left nonsense.



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We’ve gotta reverse Citizens United. HR1 and significant campaign finance reform may have to preface any other real reforms.


Don’t be so sure this forum wouldn’t come out of a fact checking without a few Pinocchios.

Well I never! My stars

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I don’t think their opinion means more or less, or they should be taken as experts, but if they reach people who are otherwise disengaged, I say, go for it. They should be using their power for good.


All the Republicans who say it voted for a shitty ass reality star.

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The Dems aren’t any better. Had lunch with my Dad and his wife. She got mega offended when I questioned Maddow. They are drinking the koolaid too and unfortunately anything better is unlikely until people choose better sources of information.

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Never forget the time Maddow gave away her pants as a prize

My brother said it well later, ‘MSNBC is Fox News for Democrats.’ The slightly less shitty option to give some illusion of choice.

I hate to say it but the truth of the matter is that these people like Chris Cuomo or Rachel Maddow or whoever didn’t achieve their station in life because they were the best and the brightest political minds. How do you think a modern corporate news source recruits their on air talent? It’s the opposite of what the common assumption is. It’s about the ability to give the illusion of opinion while you are delivering the corporate propaganda.

Yet we somehow expect fidelity and responsibility from our respective corporate news networks. It’s insane.


And Swift had one of her album releases sponsored by UPS, so you know she cares about logistics.

[Seriously, I know celebrity culture can be toxic, but I appreciate outspoken Taylor]


I’m no Maddow fan but this an astounding level of false equivalency.

How do you measure “best and brightest”? Because if a Stanford-educated Rhodes scholar doesn’t fit that description, we’re going to have pretty slim pickings…

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Oh and you better believe it is common thinking among deplorables

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Who do you think she is Stanning for?

I think she is an incredibly bright and dynamic broadcaster. I don’t think MSNBC gives her free reign. Wake me up when someone remotely controversial gets to do whatever they want on air.

In short she is the best we got but no one in her spot could be better or they wouldn’t have the position
It is because of the system not any flaw in her other than ambition.

I have no intention of getting into yet another “evil dems” debate but if you really think she is the same as fox you have completely lost the plot. There is not a single reputable journalist or media analyst on earth who would agree with that assessment.

She is obviously partisan and let’s her excitement cause her to always be claiming the big scope but she is a journalist. Fox employs no journalists.