LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Really seems the party has learned from 2016!

I mean it’s not fun to point out but the party basically conspired to nominate a functioning corpse and is doing everything in its power to nuke legitimately popular progressives, all while continuing to vacuum corporate cash and monumentally fuck up the virus relief negotiations.


God the Obama presidency was such a waste. 60 senate seats plus the house. Infuriating.


A competent Democratic party would be sounding the alarm bells nonstop over Trump dismantling the post office. This is absolutely basic shit, everyone likes having a functional post office. Even the small government Republicans in the Villages want to send letters and packages and shit. Nevermind that this is a blatant dismantling of our democracy, no one was like “Fuck, I hate the US postal system, I hope it gets dismantled.”


AOC is unpopular among the pop as a whole. I think I heard 70% disapproval once.

Giving AOC a minute is meh. Honestly I’m surprised they let her in at all. I’m hoping that the all-star of the Twitch generation can do a lot with 60 seconds.

But what is Bill Clinton doing there? Who is the audience for that? How does this help the party? Are we all supposed to pretend we didn’t watch the Netflix documentary on Epstein and didn’t see pictures of Bill flying off to Pedo Island?

And Hillary? OK, I know that there’s a contingent of women who really wanted to see the glass ceiling shattered. I’m not a woman so maybe I don’t fully grasp the significance of that. But FFS, you spent 20 years positioning yourself to be President and you lost to the host of NBC’s The Apprentice. Go away, nobody likes you. Collect your family and depart. We’re not voting for your daughter either.


I understand letting Kasich speak, tbh. When the Romans would conquer Celtic tribes they would parade their chieftains across the city like prized caged animals. Make the silly little NeverTrumper do some tricks onstage like a pet monkey, that’s a solid power move.

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Then don’t give her any time at all. Giving her 60 seconds (assuming that most of the other speakers are not going to be similarly limited, which, tbf, I don’t know) seems like the worse possible solution. It elevates her in a way that lets the R’s say, “see, we told you that AOC has taken over the party, she got a speaking slot at the convention!” without giving her enough time to actually persuade people who might like her if they were introduced to a deeper version of her and her ideas.

If the theory is that AOC would be popular if people knew her better, then give her a chance to prove it. If the theory is that her and her ideas only play well in her super liberal district and the rest of the country hates her, then don’t put her up there at all. 60 seconds just seems like some sort of splitting the baby half measure that will leave everybody mad, and they should have known that.


I was about to say, “No way she keeps it to a minute, what are they going to do, drag her off the stage?”

Then I remembered that it’s all going to be pre-recorded.

Indeed, 0 seconds.

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The only thing I can think of that is close to this is when the eDems leaked a party poll that AOC was very unpopular with “key swing voters” which turned out to be Midwestern whites with no college, i.e. Trumps base.

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My impression from the last time I dove into the numbers was that AOC was generally more popular than other nationally prominent members of Congress and had a wider base of people who were strongly favorable towards her.

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In addition to the pedo stuff Bill has been behaving like someone that has syphilis eating his brain for years now. He is an embarrassment.


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IIRC, Bill was so toxic in 2016 that Hillary didn’t even have him at the convention.

Now both will have speeches at the convention? Ugh.

EDIT: Okay, I was wrong. My bad.

Bill was at the convention. He spoke and those pictures I just posted were from the convention.

AOC should just speak for as long as she wants. Make them pull her off stage or cut her mic.

That or Bernie gets up on stage and just yields his time to AOC.

It’s pre recorded isn’t it? I love the idea that we should limit AOC to 60s beasue she’s not widely popular. What about the person so hated that she lost a popularity contest to a fat, racist, child molesting moron who no longer has a concept of object permanence? She gets an hour.


Whoops, didn’t realize this part.

At this point I won’t be surprised if they invite Joe Liebermann.

I looked it up, this is accurate. The only national poll I could find was 30% approve, 45% disapprove.

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This is nothing more that sexism and fear of SOCIALISM!

If you polled those same people on her actual positions I would guess it would be 65% support.

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