LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I don’t understand why you are posting that video? Have I argued there isn’t income inequality? Of course not.

My argument in this thread today isn’t about income inequality. It’s about the collapse of the economy due to Covid.

As for the equal question I simply don’t see how that would work. Let’s say we fund all those things I mentioned earlier. Are we giving the exact same amount of money to every citizen and to a research grant looking into carbon capture, for example? How does that work?

Now it’s interesting to think how we can solve two problems at once. Inject money due to Covid and solve income inequality. I hadn’t thought about that specifically but some of the things I mentioned would go along way like debt forgiveness and mortgage guarantees.

My income dropped to $0 because of COVID. The Government has provided me $600/week to help deal with this.

A landlord’s income dropped to $0 because of COVID. Why should they get any more than I do?

Freeze rent payments until the pandemic is behind us. Pay everyone the same unemployment/UBI/whatever you want to call it.

You are stuck on what they are doing. I’m saying it’s way way way too little. I don’t want to meet them at this absurdly low level. The system needs way more money at every level.

Ok great, I can get on board with that. Let’s not start with a bailout for landlords with no further support to the people who will be evicted next week.

For those who believe that income inequality is caused by capitalism, how do your plans work to decrease capitalism in the structure of the economy?

Of course not. I’ve made myself crystal clear several times. That is just trickle down nonsense.

I’d choose no money over just money for landlords even though the system needs cash bad.

I have no desire or intention to get into a silly abolish capitalism discussion.

Pretty sure if you give it to just poor people and the lower working class all the others will get their cut in time.


That is an interesting idea I haven’t read about much. Basically trickle up. I think you might be right as the poor would spend it on services faster then the rich who would save it more likely.

The dollar should circulate through the economy more quickly. It might need shoring up with things like infrastructure and research funding too but I like it.

I’m pointing out that you are already in one and just don’t recognize it.

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It’s like you don’t try very hard.

I quoted your post where you suggested that everyone getting the same amount of money was an inefficient way to inject large amount of money into the system. The context was a discussion about giving large landlords and businesses more money than individuals. I then posted something about the velocity of money and how giving money to people without it would be better than giving money to people with lots of it. So, I’m suggesting that it would be better for the whole system, to give money to individuals, and poorer individuals better yet, than to give money to landlords or businesses.

I’m not suggesting that you don’t believe in income inequality.

So maybe you only watched the first part of the clip? Sorry - start at 2:40.



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You could have just posted that a 3 minute and 40 second video was too long to watch or just posted that Spiderman in a tree meme, but you responded as if you had watched the video like “I don’t see why you posted that” and then turn around and are like “velocity of money” that sounds like a great idea!

I may not be through ranting!


It’s a fucking discussion. Ideas go back an fourth. That’s how discussions work.

Ok I guess we just want to post stupid gotcha shit. Da fuq !

Blow me!

Are we having a better discussion now? Lets just have every discussion as the victoar level. We will all grow so much.

What? You’re indignant! lol.

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Da fuq

brother you are on the internet right now


if the concept of eviction was self-evidently not evil and we all clearly agreed on this, but, still went on portraying the concept of eviction as evil, that would be gaslighting.

I’m guessing a whole lot of Posting Problems would be solved if this stopped happening, emphasis mine:

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