Log of Moderators

Moderators on Unstuck are nominated and elected by the community, following the process described in this post. Specifically:

Moderation Terms. The forum will be moderated by a rotating team of moderators, which is intended to promote consistent change and a spirit of community moderation. Moderators will serve for a term of approximately six months. Moderators’ terms of service will be staggered such that moderator terms end on a “Rotation Date”. The first Rotation Date will be September 1, 2021, and future Rotation Date will occur every two months. On each Rotation Date, any moderator who has served in their current term for at least 6 months will rotate out as a moderator and take a mandatory break from serving on the moderation team until the next Rotation Date.

Nominations and Elections. Two weeks prior to each Rotation Date, a nomination thread will be created in the About Unstuck forum requesting volunteers to serve as a moderator. Anyone who volunteers in the thread and receives at least 10 likes to their post will be nominated. After the nomination thread has been open for 3 days, the nomination thread will be closed, and another thread will be posted in About Unstuck with an individual poll for each nominee, which will will remain open for 3 days. Any nominee who receives at least two-thirds approval will be added to the mod team immediately. This means they should be in place for roughly 1 week prior to the Rotation Date, and a moderator’s term will last approximately 6 months and 1 week. For the sake of clarity, if a moderator’s six-month term ends on a Rotation Date of July 1, then they would be eligible for nomination in the mod approval process that leads up to the next Rotation Date (September 1). This rule replaces and makes all prior rules regarding mod terms null and void.

Mod rotation has been struck down by popular vote

The current group of moderators appointment dates are the end of their term, and their next eligible re-election date is as follows (ALL DATES IN USA#1 FORMAT):

@anon38180840: Appointed 11/15/2022

@Yuv: Appointed 6/27/2022. End of term 12/31/2022. Next eligible re-election 3/1/2023.

@SvenO: Appointed 4/27/2022. End of term 11/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 1/1/2023.

@otatop: Appointed 4/27/2022. End of term 11/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 1/1/2023.

@JonnyA: Appointed 3/10/2022. End of term 9/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 11/1/2022.

Former moderators and their next eligible re-election:
@econophile: Appointed 6/27/2022. End of term 11/28/2022 at his request. Next eligible re-election 3/1/2023.

@Tilted: Appointed 6/27/2022. End of term 10/5/2022 at his request. End of term 12/31/2022. Next eligible re-election 3/1/2023.

@clovis8: Appointed 6/27/2022. End of term 7/2/2022 at his request. Next eligible re-election 3/1/2023.

@anon29622970: Appointed 6/27/2022. End of term 7/2/2022 at his request. Next eligible re-election 3/1/2023.

@catfacemeowmers: Appointed 1/1/2022. End of term 7/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 9/1/2022.

@Riverman: Appointed 1/1/2022. End of term 7/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 9/1/2022.

@Tilted: Appointed 10/28/2021. End of term 5/1/2022. Next eligible re-election 7/1/2022.

@CanadaMatt3004: Appointed 10/28/2021. End of term 3/28/2022 at his request. Next eligible re-election 7/1/2022.

@anon10396289: Appointed 1/1/2022. End of term 2/2/2022 at his request. Next eligible re-election 5/1/2022.

@otatop: Appointed 7/18/2021. End of term 1/18/2022 (at his request). Next eligible re-election 5/1/2022.

@Rugby: Appointed 7/18/2021. End of term 1/17/2022 (at his request). Next eligible re-election 5/1/2022.

@PocketChads: Appointed 3/7/2021. End of term 11/1/2021. Next eligible re-election 1/1/2022.

@anon9123642: Appointed 7/18/2021. Voluntarily stepped down on 11/4/2021 after 3 months, as originally anticipated. Next eligible re-election 3/1/2022.

@MrWookie: Appointed 7/19/2019. End of term 9/1/2021. Next eligible re-election 11/1/2021.

@skydiver8: Appointed 7/3/2020. End of term 9/1/2021. Next eligible re-election 11/1/2021.


@spidercrab my time to sail off into the sunset is here. Please demod me as my term is up for now.

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Updated for recent mod additions.

Updated for mod removals.

Who are current mods? Am I missing or is it?


I completely forgot that my term was up - 6 months went by so fast. @admins - please de-mod me. Thanks.

The rule requiring that mods step down after 6 months was repealed by community vote: Let’s talk about rotating moderation, and get rid of it.

It was clearly not a straw poll.

It carried by 22 points after being live for a week and linked to from a post that was a banner. Either this is a “community-owned” site or it isn’t. If JonnyA wants to step down, he’s free to do so, but there is no current rule requiring him to do that.

Freudian slip? It’s JonnyA haha

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It was the first response to the nomination tread that was itself bannered. And I get that your side lost the poll so you are now trying to find ways to invalidate it.

Inartfully wording it is not a lie. Perhaps you should stop lying about who is lying here?

Cool discussion. Anyway my post here was merely to point out that this rule was repealed. Individual moderators are, of course, free to step down, and people are certainly free to nominate new moderators whenever they feel the need. Continuing this discussion with someone who is clearly attempting to troll is not productive, so I will stop responding to you.

Whatever you say my dude.

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Are you guys trying to further destabilize the fragile democracy that is Unstuck?