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@Libertarian permanently banned for having no constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community.


Added another week to jwax ban for this not at all racist PM, titled “Pussy”:

You are one delusional coward. Naked racism would be what your military you willingly served in does to Arab men, women and children every day. Fascist douchebag.


Added another week to jwax ban for more unsolicited racist PMs.

“I wasn’t killing babies, I was only playing music for the people killing babies”.

Do you want to research German conscription during the Second World War while you make some more absurd arguments? You’re a coward and a fascist. Aren’t you like, a 50 year old dad and husband and this is how you spend your time? Banning people that hurt your feelings when you’re not on your no ban site?

Hypocrite and a douchebag.

Silenced @CaffeineNeeded for 24 hours for a full day of trolling, making mental health insults at people and deleting them and creating dissent within the community.


Silenced @AngryQueer for 24 hours for this post and needing a short break

Long overdue 24 hour timeout. Try to interact with other posters like they’re another human being.

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AQ silenced for one day for his repeated posts attacking smrk4 after warning.

If you want to call someone out for bad posts, go ahead (or report them). But you can’t just dredge up old completely unrelated fights whenever you see someone you don’t like posting.

6ix gets half a day for this post:

jmakin gets a few days for continued personal attacks/harassment

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NoMatterWho gets a day for taking a shot at someone based on their personal struggles with alcohol.


jmakin sent a PM to the mods seeking clarification on this.
I’m just going to copy that PM thread here to make sure nothing is left out of the conversation.


Day off for 6ix

Exactly. If the whole affair was left up to stupid pussies like yourself, I’d be eating fuhrerschnitzel for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


NMW suspended for 48 hours for his work in the GOP thread.

6ix suspended for 24 hours.


Another day off for 6ix

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And another one for the same reason.

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6ix gets a day for the following two posts directed a poster who had an acquaintance die.

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A bit longer this time.

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Permanently banned @Einstein2 for having no constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community.

Please don’t use Unstuck to carry on feuds from 2+2, Slow Pony Express, or No Mods No Masters.

AQ gets a week for doxxing. He had the real name of a poster in his bio - explicitly to dox them. Debating doing more as this is one rule I think does need to be harshly enforced. It’s one thing to disagree and hate people online, it’s a huge step to take it to the next level and try to have real world implications.


@SenorKeeed gets a week off for violating the new moderation policy.

Overturned by update to forum filter.

Reduced @kedreading’s trust level to 0 for this PM