Log of Key Moderator Actions

Silenced 6ix for 24 hours for continuing to allege that other posters were conspiring to cheat him


Banned a new gimmick account that appeared to be 6ix

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Silenced Jalfrezi for one day for name calling

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Reversed after Jalfrezi clarified that GMAN is the handle of Garret Louie

Deleted posts accusing users of cheating and surrounding discussion


I deleted 2 posts in the Ukraine thread instead of banning Jbro for a week as SenorKeeed suggested.

MaxCut silenced for a day

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CaffeineNeeded silenced for a day

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goofyballer silenced for a day

MaxCut silenced for a day

AngryQueer silenced for a day

Jbro silenced for a day

jman220 silenced for a day


6ix silenced for a day

jalfrezi silenced for a day

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smrk4 silenced for a day

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jmakin silenced for a day

Permanently banned Profile - thebayareabeast - Unstuck Politics Forum for general assholery.


Another day of silence for Jalfrezi

The silencing expires at 12:13 PM, PDT.


WichitaDM silenced for one day

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jmakin silenced for one day

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6ix silenced for two hours

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Day off for 6ix

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DrChesspain silenced for a day for this and related posts

I will comment on this a little more than usual. First, it’s not correct that forechecker is a sock puppet, and this has been pointed out before. Second, this is anonymous forum, and users should feel free to remain anonymous and/or create new accounts if they want to. Obviously there are some limits to this, but that isn’t in play for this situation.