Local elections

well, good luck. just saying stay engaged

Oh, I guess one more thing about these school board meetings. They really feel like live-action facebook. When someone dunks on the board, people clap and cheer. It’s like real life thumbs up and hearts.

My friend is part of the group fighting the closures and they have a slack channel. I was peeking at his phone during the speeches and it was just a continuous scroll of hearts, thumbs, and cheers emoticons as people dunked on the board.

Think I’m going to have to make a public comment at the next meeting about being compassionate and kind.

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Man if they can’t sell this shit in Orange County that actually gives me a little hope.

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The Ohio primaries were today. My obnoxious incumbent state rep who I begrudgingly voted for, for the first time got smoked. The mountains of money piled in on negative ads worked. He helped by being the most unlikeable arrogant person on the face of the earth.

You took an R ballot?

Yea, I’m in a district that is 100% red. The only meaningful things on the ballot were this state rep race and a county commissioner primary.

The obnoxious incumbent state rep has resisted the R school voucher bs, which is a big reason that mountains of money were spent primarying him.

Our communist city council is removing one traffic lane each way on a popular street to make safer bike lanes and people are LOSING THEIR SHIT on Nextdoor.

Second person doesn’t even live in our city. I’m guessing the evacuation would be due to hordes of browns coming to squat in our homes.


TIL bike lanes === treason


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Have you never seen “Volcano?”

Face it, Burbank is 100% fucked now. Get out before you’re covered in liquid hot magma


Might as well include the whole LA area. Have you seen the documentary “Volcano?”

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Did some work for the laughably terrible in every way movie Volcano


I fucking love Volcano, what part did you work on?

Volcano>>>>>> Dante’s Peak all day

Do you remember at the end when they type on the graphics and Volcano as the title? One of my first jobs at a major post-production company was putting the sounds for that in synch because the people who did the movie apparently didn’t or some change happened that didn’t get reflected onto the final audio masters. In 2024, that would be a 5 minute fix. In 1997, it wasn’t easy, and I had to use multiple mediums (24-track audio tape and a digital audio workstation) to put it back on videotape.

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Sweet, ill have to fire it up again and revel in the amazing awfulness of that movie so I can see it

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It’s over the beginning of the ‘I Love L.A.’ song. It’s possible they may have done a different fix later on in life, but that was for what would probably have been the home video masters used from VHS, TV (premium services), and through DVD (any versions probably 1997 to 2006 or so). They likely remastered for Blu-ray if it ever got a release, so that’s likely not my work if that’s what you own it on.


Looks like someone is fresh off watching Fargo Season 5.

The guy who finishes last will forever be known as Turd Ferguson.