Live event! Broken tv from new house cleaner

So I have decided to really join the Bourgeoisie and have a house cleaner here today.

She cleaned my office first and it looks like she knocked over a small tv I have in here and the screen is ruined.

She is still here cleaning and hasn’t said anything to me.

It’s relevant that I had it placed in a really dumb way, balanced precariously on a side table. Any small nudge would send it over.

She is an immigrant and probably scared for her job.

My gut says leave it alone. I can buy a new one for like $150.

Am I being a wimp?

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Just tell her it’s no biggie.


I think your gut is right. Make her day by leaving it alone.

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Right, I would just take responsibility for having placed it awkwardly and let her know that it’s not her fault / problem since she likely has a ton of anxiety about it now.


“It’s all right, it’s my fault for placing it in an unbalanced spot, don’t worry about it. But next time, please don’t be afraid to tell me when something like that happens.” That maybe gives you a little piece of mind that you don’t have to keep checking up on her.


That was my thinking but it’s pretty likely she doesn’t even know it’s broken. You have to turn it on to know.

Oh I thought you mean it cracked. So yeah in that case you probably don’t need to say anything.

It’s one of those monitor cracks that is tiny at the very top. Easy not to see until you turn it on and see the rainbow! :grin:

I think I’ll let it alone.

It’s an excuse to buy new tech!

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How are you sure she did it?

I used it this morning.

You know what to do man. If you can’t live with the occasional accident then you’ve got to suck it up and do the cleaning yourself.


Shouldn’t have a TV in your working from home room.
You’re the sort who gives every other remote worker a bad name.




Give her the rest of the day off for having emotional distress dealing with a shaky TV. Paid of course.

But seriously, put it down to being your fault for not mentioning it.

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Have her deported and refuse to pay the cleaning service.

Of course tell her it’s ok and it’s your fault for having it in a bad spot. Maybe tip a lil extra for stressing her out and scaring her. Being serious here.

Not sure how handling any other way was even a thought. At the minimum telling her it’s ok and your fault and tip her normal


I’d at least give her a 24 hour tempban.


Post it on next door and send the replys to this thread so we can judge your neighbours more.

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Part of being a responsible inner sphere liberal is assuaging your guilt by being nice to the indentured servants capitalism has provided for you.


Bigger question is what would you have done if it was a $1000 TV

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If he put any TV on a small table, precariously balanced, it’s still his fault imo.

Cleaners are bound to occasionally bump into things. Get home contents insurance that covers accidental damage.

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no way I’m doing a prank on a guy that size ever :rofl: