'Lesser of two evils' is a trap

It’s called changing my mind with new information. Is that not the point of discussion and debate?

You changed your mind in the last 10 minutes? Are you going to lay off scolding people or are you going to change your mind again? If you’re so undecided you should probably be a little more circumspect in your scolding and lay off the “you’re the left’s version of Trumpkins” kind of stuff.


The two have nothing to do with each other. I’m not co-signing many of the idiotic reasons that have been given like trump and Biden are the same. That was, and still is, trumpkin nonsense.

And as I said I’m not sure how I would vote. It’s a difficult moral question.

And yes if information came out that exonerated Biden I would change my mind again. New information is suppose to make you change your mind.

I’m not going to search for the worst thing you said to someone who said they won’t vote for Biden. But it’s there and it’s bad enough.

Ok, change your mind back and forth over and over. That’s your prerogative (aside from it being silly because you’re not going to vote for Biden, so I’m not sure what you’re even changing your mind about - that’s not nationalism, that’s just me pointing out that you’re being goofy about this). But other people have other priorities and even on the same issue other people were convinced he was a sexual predator at different times than you. It’s all debatable enough that I would think you would be a little more understanding.

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And I’m literally saying I was wrong, with two important caveats;

  1. I am not wrong about motive. The Trump and Biden are the same rationale is 100% trumpkin.

  2. not voting is not enough. In fact, it creates a higher moral and civic duty to do the other hard work I mentioned.

1 is only true insofar as people are trolling. A very tiny percentage of posting here or anywhere else online is truly in good faith.

Certainly possible. Likely so.

I feel you brother, it’s a complete shit sandwich and I know lots of us are struggling to fight off total nihilism.

If Iowa looks close in November I honestly don’t know what I’ll do. I really x100 don’t want to vote for Biden.

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If Biden has a chance in hell in Iowa he has the election locked up.

Prior to 16 we were purple. Unfortunately now you’re probably correct.

If this is true — that is, if the eDems will continue to lean right whether they can count on the left’s vote or not — then the left’s vote is already meaningless and electoralism can simply be discounted.

They likely had (well-founded) concerns about his electability. The only other two-time loser in the stables is Clinton, AFAIK.

Political decisions, though, should be made with the consequences in mind. I recall someone being like, extremely adamant about that not too long ago, with a lot of sneering talk about philosophical circle-jerks and whatnot. Life is a journey, I s’pose. Though I would have thought a fella who sits around reading about the Stoics just for shiggles would be a little better-grounded in their philosophy.

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I’d like to nominate the most stupid of the Lote crowd: the voting sheeple who know that their vote don’t count… but insists on voting for the Lote, because they have a ‘duty’ to voteHarder™.

Example: Any CA donkey who doesn’t like the stupid potato who votes for the stupid potato.

So, no, even though I am now a typical Southern California liberal… I will not be participating in POTUSBOWL 2020.

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NYT getting a little sketched out:


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So vote and leave president blank. As demonstrated yesterday, down ballot candidates still need democrat/liberal/progressive/whateveryouwanttocallyourselftoday votes.

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Yesterday, I was so disappointed that my SK Myverns lost 5-9 to the LG Twins, to fall to 1-6… that I missed the rest of the news.

My point (and I’m just WAGing here but this info is easy to find) is that it is exceedingly rare for US voters to skip poking a hole into POTUSBOWL, but still poke a buncha holes into dog catcher/etc. It’s just not something US voters do.

The real power, and it is most certainly is a very real power, of voting comes from piling on and building up super-majorities to claim a mandate. The CA donkeys who do not like the stupid potato but still vote for the stupid potato are doing this: (a) if the stupid potato loses to the evil toxic waste canister =nothing=. (b) if the stupid potato beats the evil toxic waste canister =they’ve done their part in creating a mandate for someone they don’t like=. It’s a tie-lose scenario.

Which also has the kick-on effect of pushing the donkeys even further to the right.

ETA: {and a little fun}


Fair enough. I’m still working on my messaging, which I know is of utmost importance now that I’m a liberal. My first attempt, trying to “judo-flip” RWNJ shit, was making me want to puke… because it’s still RWNJ shit.

Also, as you know only people who are not from California reference California as a whole. We who are so blessed, almost always self-identify with the part of California we are from. Ask someone from dago where they’re from, 9/10 are going to say “San Diego”, not “California”.

So that’s why I’ve re-branded as a “Typical Southern California Liberal”. {/and a little fun}

TySoCalLib? I know you guys love your abbreviations.

There are a shit ton of military bases here, and they all use those kinds of names. If someone said: “I’m from TySoCalLib.”, the response would be “Where are you based?”.

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Republicans obviously don’t wan’t to acknowledge this, but neither do a lot of liberals who enjoy saying Bernie bros are just like the tea party or the Trumpkins of the left. Or they just want to say progressives fail to get support because they’re lame.


Old people wouldn’t vote any more often than young people of they didn’t live in the same place forever, have the same polling stations and vote by mail. It’s not a difference in civic virtue. Turn out is just higher when it’s more convenient.