'Lesser of two evils' is a trap

I don’t really get this weird new nationalist angle you have been taking lately. Is the idea that anyone who is not a US citizen should shut up and have not right to discuss these issues?

I am indeed. The rich own the system. This isn’t in debate. We have now successfully pointed that out, yet again. Now what? Not voting for Biden is going to fix this?

I didn’t say he can’t discuss anything. You suggested he do things like run for office, which is something he can’t do - not legally anyway.

If you’re talking about my suggestion that you vote, I’m serious. You should. I would approve.

The idea is that enough people refuse to vote for terrible Democratic candidates the DNC now has an incentive to not support them or at least rig primaries in their favor. If on the other hand the progressive wings keeps voting for everyone with a (D) next to their name the DNC will just keep doing what they are doing and cashing in those giant donor checks.

And all the other things I mentioned? The hard work?

How much hard work do you have to do to even out only one giant donor check?

A huge amount. I don’t see what the other option is? Give up?

We’re talking in circles now. The other option is to provide incentives for the DNC to change, e.g. sit out elections.

Fair enough. I guess I’d respect the plan more if I saw it paired with discussions of what other work is being done along the lines of what I suggested. It seems pretty convenient that the entire solution is to do nothing.

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Bernie supposedly had about 1 million volunteers and raised about $30M/quarter. So you’ll have to work as hard as about 10000 volunteers put together.

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There are multiple ways to square this circle imo. The one that works for me personally has been resolving to not vote for anyone credibility accused of sexual assault.

And not bother with the other things? Ok you won’t vote Biden. Is that the end of your civic and moral duty?

No? It’s just the way that I’ve been able untangle the knot in my head.

More likely it’s the opposite and they think that the Dsa left, young people, and people that hate both parties aren’t going to show up anyway so it’s better to court the reliable voters instead. The idea that the way to get them to change is by not voting rather than by voting seems backwards.

You’re also potentially allowing the GOP to consolidate power at a time when voting and democracy are already at the precipice.

Biden wasn’t exactly the preferred candidate of the establishment, or else they wouldn’t have waited until the weekend before Super Tuesday to coalesce around him.

He picks Warren as VP. Dems take house and senate. Medicare for all passes in 2023. Warren gets elected prez in 2024, enacts wealth tax in 2025.

Those reliable non-progressive voters won’t be enough to win elections in most places or nationally.

I’ll be honest. The more that comes out about the rape the harder it is for me to maintain my position on the vote. I guess that’s why I’m asking about other things that can be done because I’m starting to waiver in my conviction that voting for him is the right thing to do. Not because he is not a million times better than trump. He obviously is. But because any real morality needs some bright lines and mine includes sexual assault. Or at least I thought it did before this awful scenario. If I could vote I honestly don’t know what I would do in the moment. Today I think I would not vote for him and then spend an insane number of hours and dollars doing the other things I mentioned in the vain hope it would assuage my guilt of helping trump get elected.

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What if someone else cared just as much about the Iraq War or mass incarceration as you care about rape?


Seriously? You’re relentlessly scolding people.


Fair point. I don’t have a good response to that other than direct assault seems like an obviously higher moral failing than political support for something, no matter how awful.

Possibly, but he’ll still be able to rape people regardless of the outcome of the election. He won’t be able to invade any countries unless he’s POTUS.