…what’s a logner table?
It’s probably spelled the way Scottish people pronounce “longer”.
I mean, the market is up these poor people should stop being greedy and sell some of their shares to buy food.
Tent cities might be slowly taking over every square inch of public urban space, but GIF’s are selling for several million dollars each. Seems very stable and sustainable to me.
There was a meme posted ages ago ITT about replacing “the economy” with “rich people’s boat money” in any piece like this. Hard to argue!
What about “my boss yelled at me bc I haven’t done anything at work since November” → “I’m worthless” → Depression
that pic is fake news, nobody in scotland drinks wine
I read that story, and another that’s linked about the caffeine content in Buckfast. It reminded me of a somewhat similar moral panic here in the US some time back with a lovely beverage called Four Loko:
Cliffs on the story is that this caffeinated malt liquor drink got super popular but people (especially young drinkers) were getting themselves in trouble with it. A bunch of people freaked out and the feds got involved. Now nobody can sell alcohol with caffeine included .
So, a pot office?