Arguing implies respect for their position. I’m just trolling them.
I honestly respect them less than deplorables. Their beliefs lead to the same policies but deplorables know who they are. A/Cists hide their deplorableness with incoherent, pseudo-academic rambling whereas deplorables acknowledge their stupidity and put it out for everybody to see.
Then ask them how people and corporations who accumulate property, and especially those who inherit it are fundamentally different than government. Government “control” of resources like land (zoning/building codes) are a form of ownership. If one’s ancestors ceded that ownership without coercion, the government rightfully inherits it, no?
Once it’s not ok to monopolize natural resources you can pretty much take the capitalist out of anarchocapitalist.
Like if Trump defends his friend Lindzey then what the heck can democrats say? It’s not hypocritical, trump paid hookers himself. Good lord I want to see this, it would be hilarious.
The head of Black Lives Matter did a AmA on Reddit and got absolutely shredded and rightfully so. She really sounded like a bullshitting politician rather than a legit activist.
My view has always been that BLM didn’t have a traditional structure. That it was a movement similar to Anonymous where it was a grassroots movement that had a very loose connection rather than a rigid hierarchy.
When you donate money to them, it doesn’t necessarily go directly into funding BLM. It goes to a group called ActBlue that provides the infrastructure necessary for progressive causes to collection donations. While you might donate through BLM, that money may not be used to actually help it. That money could be used to finance political candidates which is what ActBlue did in the case of Beto O’Rourke rather than actually help the cause.
Using ActBlue rather than the BLM site getting 501(c)(4) treatment itself is a lack of transparency that doesn’t work in their favor. ActBlue is indeed registered as a 501(c)(4) but has registered on a state-by-state basis meaning you’d have to pull the records for each state. While they provide the information necessary to search for those records, it’s quite a clunky process and unless you’re an investigative journalist, you’re not doing that.
I don’t know who made this person the head of the BLM but the whole thing stinks of grifting.
Seems it was a bit of a damp squib. No new physical evidence, just a reevaluation of witness statements. The guy they say did it was known about a few days after the assassination.
It’s funny but it’s basically always a net negative to give Candace Owens any oxygen at all and I wish people wouldn’t do it even in a negative connotation
Googling a bit about some of her claims, I wasn’t aware of this:
Gender dysphoria in children is more heavily linked with adult homosexuality than an adult transgender identity. According to prospective studies, the majority of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria cease to desire to be the other sex by puberty, with most growing up to identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, with or without therapeutic intervention.[2][3][4] If the dysphoria persists into puberty, it is very likely permanent.[2][4]
Makes things tough. Bit of a catch-22 situation on whether to allow those children to enter puberty as normal.