LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Random tech question.

Alberta has launched a contact tracing app for iPhone and android. You are suppose to use it when out but it has a very odd requirement. You have to keep your phone unlocked and running with it in the foreground the whole time.

Why couldn’t this run in background?

iOS and Android might have blocked any apps from tracing your location in the background.

I scored 14/20. Do you have authority to grant citizenship to Americans?

Lol wtf I got the regions of Canada wrong! 95%.

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I assume unlocked meaning that you have to stay logged in and can’t let your screen power down, not that you need to jailbreak your phone to use it, right?

Seems to be poorly designed software. I don’t have an iPhone though. The contact tracing I have for my phone runs in the background and just relies on GPS and ideally an internet connection to work.

I thought lots of apps did that?

Yes. Your screen can’t lock and you can’t use other apps.

As part of an English lesson, I had my students take an adapted version of the American citizenship test (10, not 20 questions). Half the class passed (got 6 or more right) despite never being to America, never having a class on American history and not having English as their first language.

Teens are way smarter and perceptive than older generations give them credit for.

EDIT: Got a 15/20. Yay I’m a Canadian citizen!

I just tried the French one, there’s no set number of questions but I did 20 and got 14. Not bad, but work to do. Apparently they really love asking who your mayor is and I suspect ‘some right wing dickhead’ won’t cut it

(If anyone cares I know the mayor of Paris, but each arrondissement has one as well.)

The Kiwis know what to do before a sporting event. I nearly wet my diaper when I saw this:


Beats any anthem I’ve ever seen!


Lol I love that face. Isiah Thomas is such a punk.


There were 2 that I got wrong that I shouldn’t have. I also assumed that the moose was an official symbol of Canada and cannot believe that the answer is the beaver.

I only got 40% :(

Fun fact: the original name was Connater. But people from Boston kept calling it Canadah and the Canadians were too polite to correct them.

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My daughter was looking over at my phone and said, “ggoreo? More like ggsnoreeo. Got 'em”.


Every Canadian saw this on tv too many times

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Las Sergas mentions a fictional island named California,[3] inhabited only by black women, and ruled by Queen Calafia. When Spanish explorers (including Francisco de Ulloa) learned of an island (actually a peninsula) off western Mexico rumored to be ruled by Amazon women, they named it California.

The name California did come from the novel. But the whole thing about the island rumored to be ruled by Amazon women is complete bunk. The most likely-sounding reason I’ve heard is that the the name was given to the region derisively by a contemporary Mexican writer - to chide Cortes for failing 3 times to establish a colony around the present site of La Paz in Southern Baja California, Mexico.

The Spanish didn’t attempt another colony for 185 years, until finally the Jesuits started establishing a chain of missions which stretched as far north as Solano - north of the Bay Area in present day California (called Alta California by the Spanish). The missions were connected by one of the longest roads in the world - Camino Real (the Royal Road).

I actually live on a street named Camino Real which has a historical marker and everything. It does wind through the street grid like a drunken sailor - so you know it’s an old road. But I can’t see where you would possibly take it to get from one mission to the other. You’d have to veer way out of your way to the west. Maybe the monks liked to stop by the beach on their journey.

It’s pretty wild to think what happened to Alta California in two-hundred years, while Baja California remained basically unchanged.