LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

It’s worse than most deaths in that respect because my last memory of how he/they look was this:

Nope not that old. 1974. :grin:

ok boomer



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When someone says research into an essentially sci-fi dystopian tool probably shouldn’t be funded and someone else responds that they don’t think funding should be blocked on ideological differences…

yea, someone kinda did post a defense of phrenology lol

What kind of human looks around at the state of the world in 2020 and decides that an urgent problem deserving of significant attention from the Federal Government is…the persecution of campus rapists?

These people are a different freaking species from me.


Not to pick on you because I certainly do this too but this is a really good example of why online debate is so fruitless, so often. The tendency is to assume the most extreme version of a straw man for every discussion. You don’t actually believe I defended phrenology. But it’s rhetorically easy to pretend so, to end the discussion, and feel like we scored a win. I’ve been trying to stop myself from doing it so much.

I’m missing context? Orange or dems?

I don’t know man, the study is clearly bad news and shouldn’t be happening for all sorts of reasons. But you had to point out that maybe it should? I mean, if you don’t think stuff like this should be happening, why did you post that it should?

They are vocally anti-fact and anti-reality. If course they will propose solutions to nonexistent problems.

Pedantry warning, incoming nittery and pet peeves.

“Electronica” is a media-invented word with slightly different connotations on our respective sides of the Atlantic, and a fair amount of baggage. “Electronic Music” is a much better umbrella term for all the blippity bleepy thumpy thumps. If you compare the two terms’ Wikipedia pages you’ll see the former has a handful of vague and conflicting paragraphs while the latter is a vast topic spanning over 100 years of music history.


Any hot tips for Mother’s Day? Hard to create many surprises these days or do much of anything interesting :(

I’m having brunch delivered to my mom and we will all sit down over FaceTime and enjoy it.


Wow, you are a good child.

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Check out the most recent episode of happiness lab podcast. Was all about the research around gratitude. It showed people way underestimate how much the recipient will feel good, way overestimate embarrassment they think they will feel and it measurably improves both peoples mood for up to a month!

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This thread is surprisingly accurate:

Kroger has buyers at the Yulin Dog Festival.

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