LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I’m telling yall me getting perma’d from there is a top 5 life event for me


you think you need it but you really really REALLY don’t

you’re gonna see most of what’s worth seeing

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Really? He has a very memorable face and has been in a ton of high profile roles.

Steven Buscemi was in several movies I saw before Reservoir Dogs, but I can’t remember him in them. Small parts maybe. Bad memory maybe. (Barton Fink, Miller’s Crossing, King of New York, Tales from the Darkside.)

I know people who know/knew him somewhat well. Very nice guy reportedly.

Buscemi apparently directed “Pine Barrens!”

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One of the 1/2 dozen shows I saw between 1988 and 2005:

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I’m looking at the Steve Buscemi filmography. Movies of his I have seen:
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Trees Lounge
Con Air
The Big Lebowski
Monsters Inc.

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Death of Stalin was excellent.

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I know what you’re thinking, this sounds kind of dystopian, but let’s hear one of the authors describe it:

“Crime is one of the most prominent issues in modern society. Even with the current advancements in policing, criminal activities continue to plague communities,” Korn added. “The development of machines that are capable of performing cognitive tasks, such as identifying the criminality of person from their facial image, will enable a significant advantage for law enforcement agencies and other intelligence agencies to prevent crime from occurring in their designated areas.“

OK, no, it does sound dystopian.

For some reason the reaction on Twitter is mostly scoffing at the possibility that this is true, this was also the case when The Intercept reported on a Shanghai team who found the same thing in 2016:

This can’t be overstated: The authors of this paper — in 2016 — believe computers are capable of scanning images of your lips, eyes, and nose to detect future criminality. It’s enough to make phrenology seem quaint.

The study contains virtually no discussion of why there is a “historical controversy” over this kind of analysis — namely, that it was debunked hundreds of years ago. Rather, the authors trot out another discredited argument to support their main claims:, that computers can’t be racist, because they’re computers… This misses the fact that no computer or software is created in a vacuum. Software is designed by people, and people who set out to infer criminality from facial features are not free from inherent bias.

This is real head in the sand shit. Programmers do not imbue a trained neural network with “inherent bias”. As far as I’m aware the Shanghai team were working with entirely photos of Chinese people, and if the Harrisburg team say that their network does not exhibit racial bias, I assume they can demonstrate that statistically. They’re not going to be dumb enough to release a paper on a network that just identifies people by race, nor would you get anything like 80% predictiveness that way.

This sort of thing is going to be a real problem in the coming decades, in terms of civil liberties.

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Holy moly, Kurt Loder turned 75 today.

I want to know if it can identify the crime, or do all the criminals look the same? Is there a murderers’ lip and a hookers and blow eyebrow or something?

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Not billy Madison?

My guess is it would correlate with a personality trait like impulsivity, but I’m just speculating obviously.

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There are lots of ethnic groups in China to be biased about and I expect they taught the computers using photos of people that were convicted of crimes. Perhaps if they could verify that their Chinese racist computer works on white and Black people that would be something, but how are they going to verify that? With pictures of people convicted of crimes?

Computers identify people who are angry, have resting angry face or are ugly and unappealing to judges and juries.

And here come the pretzels

Why would I want to watch Billy Madison?

Honestly, was curious if anyone would react to having Trees Lounge on my list.

This is either going to be the computer version of that horse that could supposedly do math, or outright fraud.