LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I did not expect a Michael Bay to Jackson Pollock comp. Not today, not ever.


Both create chaos. Only one intentionally so. :grin:

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His action sequences have won multiple awards lol. They’re the only thing he’s good at, and he’s exceptionally good at them.

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I’m looking through Michael Bay’s filmography and I realize that The Rock is the only of his movies I have seen.

You are not missing anything. He is widely panned. Has like a 30% rotten tomatoes average and like 7 razzie nominations.

He makes pretty terrible movies that are designed for 14 year old boys.

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I tried to rewatch it a while ago and ended up turning it off, not really the same on the small screen. If you don’t like big explosions, you’re missing nothing, really.

There’s a bunch of Bay movies on HBO right now. I’ve been watching a few of them, saw The Island last week and you know what? Not bad, actually. I was entertained. Tried to watch Pearl Harbor but just couldn’t, it was terrible so I fast forwarded to the strike on Pearl Harbor and holy shit that looked terrific. Then I turned it off when Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett were doing dumb plane stuff.

Pain & Gain is a hilarious movie that I’m not sure what to make of. Part of me thinks that Bay was in on the joke the whole time and his whole filmography is actually satirizing the juvenile point of view that his movies seem to be made from.

Then I remember that this exists:

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It’s a very funny clip, but honestly, if Ben Affleck really needed someone to sit him down and explain that high-concept action movies often have flimsy premises, he maybe should have chosen a different career. Maybe it’s a learning curve; he probably wasn’t wandering around the set of Batman loudly wondering why Bruce Wayne doesn’t funnel his billions into social programmes that prevent poverty and crime instead of futilely beating the shit out of miscreants.


This series is pretty interesting if you want to hear more talk about VFX, they usually have people from the industry talking about it. They also do a similar series about stunts that is fun.

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Lava Girl and Shark Boy. (No one else knows them, right? My kids were the right age for that.)

I’m pretty sure Affleck is just hammered during that entire commentary.

I knew them. (A professional wrestler named Shark Boy had a lawsuit over it.)

So you have children the right age to watch professional wrestling?

The right age for watching pro wrestling is the same as the right age for playing video games.

I think he’s just hammered a fair amount of the time.

What does “don’t kink shame” actually mean? It isn’t literal, right? It isn’t meant to say ALL kinks are equally fine, right?

Surely I’m allowed to shame pedos.

Yes I think it’s a given that “kink” in the context of “don’t kink shame” means a kink that isn’t hurting anyone - like wearing diapers or jerking off the in the corner while the pool boy rails your wife.

I think kink implies it’s consensual.

Ok, that’s about how I took it.

But when I made fun of/shamed NBZ for wanting a girlfriend he can boss around and “train” to think the “right” way there was some pushback, so I got confused.