LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

When do we get to the part where Mrs. Potato Head just takes his removable penis for herself before drowning Mr. Potatohead?

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It would be awesome if they could put together an online world series of poker. Even a much smaller scale would be fun.

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You’re thinking of Mr Bobbitthead.

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I remember.

On my local PBS every weeknight at 6:30 they had a different cooking show I’d watch. I only remembered the Galloping Gourmet of the five until you posted this. I’d assume Pepin or Child would be one, but I don’t think so.

I haven’t seen Yan on PBS since I was a kid, but Simply Ming is fantastic imo.

Way more laid back, but that dude is one sexy beast.

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She can’t pull it off, he’s always got eyes on her.

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so zz, that’s annoying?

I mean, bad jokes are always annoying. But you need the quote for the immediate relevance, clicking to see what it’s replying to throws it off.

Every time I do it I feel it grinding your gears.

It’s not a binary thing. It’s only lazy and mindless quoting that sends me on tilt, like quoting a comment directly above your post, nested quotes, and quoting an entire wall of text when you’re only replying to one small part of it. It’s redundant garbage that serves absolutely no purpose at all.




Bill Mitchell cracked open the ActBlue scam, everybody:

My mother deleted Facebook because they kept deleting the memes and articles she was sharing due to them being classified as fake news.

She spent about 20 minutes going on about some NJ mayor using drones, a guy being arrested for playing football with his kid in a park, and apparently D’Blasio is encouraging people to rat on their neighbors if they’re not wearing masks or practicing social distancing.

I assume she’s off of FOX News and the hard stuff like OAN

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That’s bad - FB still allows a pretty wide latitude of that stuff. Only the worst of the worst are plastered with the fake news overlay.

I have a few lefties on my feed who get hit with it regularly too cough Dom cough. Good for FB for at least trying. Google/youtube seems content to just continue to inspire violent insanity like the woman shooting at workers on a cel tower.

Thing is that not all of the stories she was mentioning are not 100% fake.The de Blasio ratting people out is right wing horseshit. However…

The whole NJ mayor angle is altered as they were used to air prerecorded messages about social distancing. The whole China angle she was pushing was typical right-wing sinophobia. Typical of deplorables: remember some facts then fill in the rest with racism and conspiracy theories.

So yeah. She has the political mindset of somebody with mid-stage dementia. Every once in a while there’s a spark of common sense but otherwise obliviousness.

Well, well, well, looks like Christmas came early, y’all:


Did groceries today and my store was fully stocked on TP as well.

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Watching youtube videos that have over a billion views is remarkably boring.

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Let’s see the boringest one.

Nothing stands out. It’s a blur of songs I think I vaguely remember hearing… somewhere. And they all sound exactly the same.

My nemesis throughout my trip through Mexico and Central America. Like that horror movie It Follows - except It is Ed Sheeran.