LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Not sure if this guy has been posted before but he’s brilliant as fuck. He made a quarantine haircut robot. He makes a bunch of these crazy things in his shop and they’re super cool.



Not surprising. Squirrels antagonize the hell out of my German Shepherd.


Round here the sons of bitches drink straight out of my dogs waterbowl.


This thread is great.

My favorite part was that the precipitating factor was Thremp getting rustled over some argument about nutrition.

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That’s a chipmunk.

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I guess I’m weird, but I don’t really care about undergrads cheating. The point of school is learning and some networking. A cheater is isn’t doing either, so if they want to buy a $100,000 diploma (and forgo $100,000+ in income not earned in that time period), then fine. The piece of paper won’t do much.

Chipmunks are small striped squirrels

Your grey squirrels antagonised the hell out of our native red squirrels, and almost eliminated them altogether.

ETA. The dog that got cancelled by a cat photo was a German Shepherd?

Squirrels are large unstriped chipmunks

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Yes, this is a white German Shepherd. I don’t have papers or anything (got her for free).


You need to show your work on this.

Cheaters can easily be networking.

Also I don’t know about cheaters not learning. I think at least some of the cheating that occurs involves a B student turning himself into an A student. So, there is probably some learning that takes place.


Apparently damn near everything is a squirrel according to strict scientific classification.

Apparently it’s a rock squirrel.

The cheaters I have caught have been overwhelmingly F students who squeak out a C or a D. I’m sure there are some middling students who move up as well, and they are probably smart enough not to get caught, but that doesn’t really matter either. Grades don’t really matter except for scholarships and grad school applications, I guess, and in neither case would an extra A here or there make a difference.

I’m exaggerating a little and being a bit myopic about the disciplines that I have participated in. I guess it’s possible a cheater could appear smart, sharp, and on top of things in enough conversations to cheat their way into a letter of recommendation, but this must be super rare. Asking a student to speak three sentences about the topic they just wrote 10 pages on is usually enough to weed out the bullshitters.

Dunno how you bums don’t comment on the engineering and programming genius making a quarantine haricut robot. But here he is also making a backboard that makes every shot.


Party of LAW & ORDER.

Even if they are going to get pardoned, AG should still pursue it and make it as long, painful, and expensive as possible.

That’s what those two have done to so many people over the years.


Indeed. Every four legged rodent is functionally similar and not worth splitting hairs. We have lots of chipmunks, squirrels, and mice. At least the chippers and squirrels stay outside.

I wasn’t really in the same circles as F students, so virtually all the cheaters I knew fit this description to the letter. There are a good number of them.