LC thoughts for intellectual elites

Cat Diesel Power

kitty kitties


@rivaldo best interview ever?

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8 minutes in, and yes.


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I hope to confirm this by having sex someday.


Unless you’re having sex with Ben Shapiro.

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Can’t remember the last time I took a bath

[Chorus: Ray Parker Jr.]
Bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’ makes me feel good, feel good, feel good, feel good, feel good, feel good, feel good
(Yeah yeah yeah!)
Bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’ bustin’, bustin’
(Yeah yeah yeah!)
Bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’, bustin’ makes me
(Yeah yeah yeah!)
Feel good, feel good, feel good, feel good


Eyebrows are mustaches for your eyes




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receding hairline


I had an idea while I was high af last night. I was thinking about how it’s going to be weird/difficult to go back to in-person socializing once the people I know and I are all vaccinated.

The idea is kind of a ritual/ceremony/process for transitioning back. What you would do is, say you’re gonna go visit someone at their house, and you’ve only been Zooming with them since COVID started. When you get there, don’t just go up to the door. Take out your phone or laptop, and call them up on Zoom (this would have to be arranged ahead of time).

Connect on Zoom and do some of the usual conversation intros. Then go up to the door, continuing the conversation the whole way. Have them meet you, and consciously and intentionally, transition from looking at them on the screen, to looking at them in person. Then shut down the Zoom (and optionally throw your phone or laptop in the trash (just kidding)), and proceed as “normal.”

I don’t think I’ll actually do this, but it amused me to think about it, so I’m sharing it here.


I finally read Annihilation, jesus christ what a fucking incredible book. I really have had a hard time reading since the pandemic, but I just absolutely plowed through this in no time. I enjoyed the movie (saw it on a plane) but felt like it could have been a lot better and wow if I had read this book first I probably would have thrown a fit, this shit is just off the charts and now the movie feels like a huge piece of shit.

I’ve only heard one interview with Vandermeer (in between when I saw the movie and and when I read the book) and he seems like an incredibly interesting guy. Can’t wait to get some more of his stuff.

I agree about Annihilation, great book. In my opinion it’s the peak of the “Southern Reach Trilogy” but the other two are also worth the read.

A few months back I read Borne and thought it was great as well. Would recommend as your next VanderMeer novel.

That sounds pretty good. Never heard of the movie.