Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

And for what? Nothing at all, sadly… Done to upset us.

After observations in town yesterday the vast majority of Glasgow fans were at the stadium and never went into town and the majority of of the ones in George Sq were not from here or from the suburbs, the crowd yesterday in George Sq were not the typical OO flag shaggers that we’d seen the last time around.

It’s a West Coast problem unfortunately, not just a Glasgow problem, alough the worst does happen here. :pensive:

Which in all honesty makes the police’s response and prevention utterly disgusting as from 12 o’clock the so called fans were coming off all the trains in central/low level, when no travelling into Glasgow was allowed, someone should lose there job over this, if there was an accountability.

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Yeah, I read this the other day, it really isn’t sounding great.

A senior Irish source has also described as “irresponsible” the suggestion, as briefed by the British government, that the EU would have to deliver a solution to the issues surrounding the backstop by 12 July, the peak of the loyalist marching season.

Last week Mr Frost [Minister in Johnson’s cabinet] met a delegation from the Loyalist Communities Council, which includes members of loyalist paramilitary groups. Afterwards he said the Protocol “may not be sustainable” in its current form.

Writing in the Mail on Sunday yesterday, Mr Frost accused the EU of taking a “purist” view of the Protocol and that the UK “did not anticipate this when we agreed the Protocol and it makes no sense.”

Yeah, I’m sure you’re right about a return to violence in NI and that’s always the worst outcome to worry about. But it’s also just that this has driven UK/EU relations since the vote and the basic issue—that the Tories have a strangle hold on Westminster and won’t ever actually accept what can avoid a border on Ireland—hasn’t gone anywhere. I just don’t see how it changes and it’s going to be something that flairs up again and again for years, poisoning all manner of other issues.

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You’re probably right and I’m probably overly pessimistic. It was just further confirmation that at every level the UK is going to choose grievance stoking and time wasting, rather than actually deal with reality. It’s not just the NI protocol that they haven’t really a hope of implementing when the time comes very soon, and, of course, even if/when they actually do comply it’s essentially cutting your own throat economically. Which will be visited disproportionately on poorer people all over the country. Then you’ve got an even poorer, even more pissed off population for loyalists, racists and all manner of dickheads to recruit from. Just not good.

Powerful Cold War Steve vibes:

Also wtf:

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