Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

Youssaf was travelling at 40mph in a 30mph zone and struck the 18-year-old on a pedestrian crossing, sending her flying 120ft (36m) before he drove off.

He was jailed for 30 months after being found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving.

I’m not usually one to question the length of sentences as more often than not they make more sense once you go behind the headline and read the details … but 30 months isn’t right.


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Unfortunately its the standard sentence for RTA’s… :cry:

Sentencing is a very tricky subject. One the one hand it’s gross that with good behaviour he’ll be out in 18 months (or less) having killed someone through sheer recklessness and driving off; on the other we have the biggest per capita prison population in Western Europe.

We shouldn’t be incarcerating people for not paying their TV licenses and other trivial offences, that’s pretty clear.

Trip down memory lane to the glory days of Fleet St. I’d forgotten just how overtly bigoted the rags were. Nowadays it’s more an incessant chorus of dog whistles.

Certainly agree that prison should be reserved for serious offences with trivial stuff decrimialised and replaced with community service.

Sickening @marty stay safe brother :+1:


It is unfortunately, just gotta hope he listens to you. :crossed_fingers:

FUCK :cry:


Marty, would it be true to say this wouldn’t be happening without the paramilitaries giving it tacit approval? Does that particularly matter at the moment?

Yes… I think I can answer that one.

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Is this also so in other NI cities eg Derry?

Thanks, I thought it was probably that bad, but didn’t want to overreact to the world wide classic that is bored young men and home made fire bombs.

Its the same here for both sides Btw, if the call goes out from either crew the gangs here stop fullstop or a beating does not take place, if you take one out, your gone sometime in the next few years.

For example, Billy was as tough as they come, a real hardman.

Sad :pensive: