Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

Go on then, name one yourself… :eyes:

Ohhh, even the reply could not name 1

He seems to have overlooked something fairly important. Odd.

How are you doing smacc? Everything ok with you up there?

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Hi Jalfrazi

Thanks for checking in on me, yeah it’s tough, been working all sorts off hours I’m not used to from 6am till 8 pm some days just for a wage.

Everything else is all good, been playing more online with the kids to take me mind off things and it’s working somewhat.

I’ve got the parents fully locked down now, there out once a week for some shopping then in doors the rest, that’s been a blessing tbh & my brother is safe… Dad goes for his vaccination next week :grinning:.

Thanks mate… :+1:

I hope all is well as can be at your end… How’s retirement been so far. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Yeah, the worst of it was they didn’t even discuss it with Ireland beforehand. Also, grist to the mill of the anti-EU brigade everywhere.

I worry about where this is going.

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Been bloody weird. I’d always envisaged going back to where I started(ish) and doing something “useful” in the NHS, but too scared to venture out into the public now let alone London public transport.

BBC Showing the famous Pollock juniors football club in pollock today on the football show… Probably the best run club in Scotland :sweat_smile:

Its took my mum 4 years to settle down after retirement, she lived for her work though… Had it all planned out too with some voluntary work etc & never really done as much as she thought.

The last year though she’s been enjoying the cream teas with my aunt & casually strolling the west end charity shops with the grandkids. :grinning:


Desperate Johnson Goes Bonkers

The EU really fucked up on the vaccines and seem to have done the procurement without any real thought about which were likely to be delivered first. Even France, whose roll out is a joke, is now having to cancel appointments because of low stocks. They’re obviously pretty embarrassed that the UK is looking far better than them, but they also know they need the Oxford deliveries they were promised or else things will get even worse.

It was always a testament to just how shite the UK Brexit team was that it made the EU look like a model of efficient harmony. A desperate bit of political game playing they obviously didn’t think through very far.

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Not enough lols in the world for Boris et al. now. I mean we all knew before the vote it would be a humiliating disaster but leaving the EU just to go hat in hand to the TPP is just chef’s kiss.

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Managed to catch this last night, was a decent documentary done on them, what a scary bunch with ex-pro boxers running around. :scream:

Yeah - shone brightly at the end there. RIP Tom.


That’s who I thought I was referring too, I got the impression that the boxers who didn’t make it worked for him on the side becoming enforcers.

Geez, they have some network, it’s fucking massive… That’s the 1st time I’ve felt genuinely frightened by a gang as those dudes are scary as fuck.

Got it… Up here most off the didn’t make it to the ring crowd go into enforcement of some sort, not the names though and I was stupidly assuming that he was probably taking advantage of those situations.

Makes sense for him though to use the trash & employ the ex-military as the real deal.

The girl from Scotland rings a bell, probably heard her name in convo in the taxis… She’s probably from Rutherglen. :grin:

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RiP Tom :v:

Seen some twitter with the boys marching through East Belfast? Tonight. All covered up, looking meanicing.

Things are heating up for sure.