Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff


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In a sence she right, incorrigible is good with most stuff except here, the pandemic has shown the uninformed just what a disaster the response has been.

:point_up_2: True but the other % all came from the failed Covid-19 response, everyone is talking about it, everyone.

I know people who never once spoke about the Torys and now only connect them to this disaster and have moved from being against the break up to actually shouting about it.

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Cousins wedding was cancelled in August In Kent, all paid for, all goneā€¦ :face_with_thermometer:

And thereā€™s just no way we travel down there now, I think :man_facepalming: And if we do I wonā€™t stop with the I told you so, the whole wedding week.

The In-laws are brexiteers and ill be causing it, because I canā€™t help myself :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


My parents moved to Dover a decade before the referendum, for easy access to France, and itā€™s the only place they said they regretted moving toā€¦ because the people were generally a bunch of anti-immigrant bigots (even the friendly ones).

Other places they lived in that were >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dover:

Kensal Rise

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Re: Labour.

Some Labour MPs resigned from the shadow cabinet today because they wanted to vote against a bill that gives security services the right to break the law without any oversight. That right explicitly includes rape, murder and torture as an amendment saying otherwise was voted down. Starmerā€™s party line, which only 34 went against, was just to abstain so theyā€™re seen as ā€œa responsible government-in-waitingā€.

Bunch of ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  sounds about right.


The ā€œItā€™s not a choice between the Labour Party you want and this one, itā€™s a choice between this Labour Party and the Toriesā€ clock is ticking, I fear.

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The look my bro had when he said ā€œHeā€™s a prosecutorā€ was impressive, the last time I got a look like that was when I allegedly stole his weed.

Taxing is not theft

Not as confident as I once was, but I still think this is just pissing about. The last thing seems to be fishing rights between the UK and France, with Macron and others also saying in the last few days that there can be no compromise in their position and no deal is totally fine.

But, unless Iā€™m missing something, no deal would mean no French access for fishing, wouldnā€™t it? So I donā€™t think it makes sense for France to hold out and force a no deal on that. The EU position is that Johnsonā€™s self imposed deadline of now is horse shit and talks are ongoing.

Not that the actual deal will be much different from what was understood as ā€˜no dealā€™ at the start of all this, obviously. And there will be obvious holes in it as a workable state of affairs. Just some sort of agreement in place. I think.

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Yeah, I donā€™t think Iā€™m disagreeing with you in any particularly meaningful way. Just if the news from the talks recently is accurate I donā€™t think thereā€™s too much left to settle, and a fishing agreement is needed even if there is a no deal exit. Politicians on both sides will be loath to give up a chance to get a ā€˜dealā€™ and sign it and look important.

Wouldnā€™t amaze me to be wrong on this, though, I have a strong track record in the field!


My brother is about to launch his own business venture in Drain Cleaning, heā€™s managed to save enough for some advertising and get a van after Xmas, maybe January next year.

Weā€™re in the process of getting all the equipment and supplies before launching it in the local areas.

Does anyone have experience in how to get on the Insurance lists for repair jobs as thatā€™s where most of the work is.

Is it just reputable business or is there another way. :sunglasses:

Any help is appreciated

He is in the process of buying a decent one that lasts, heā€™s like that with all his gear, fortunately.

I hate buying him anything heā€™s not veted :grin::grin::grin: