Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

Wanna bet?

There’s not 1 driver in any city who does not know where its being sold on a regular basis, from the schemes to the suburbs.

Add in the stupid fucks at the weekend who literally tell you what there doing because their all narcissistic people who like to flash a few quid around.

You do not know the taxi trade if you say this

There is only 1 taxi base that I know of that’s not connected to the trade in a big way, either by courier, friend or user in scotland.

We may not finish it because that’s never happening but we’d put a better dent in it than anyone else.

That’s probably all true, but a war on drugs is unwinnable in any remotely free society because dealers will move around while busted dealers will be replaced, which makes it all a horrendously expensive waste of time and money.

All the talk of high flyers on coke reminds me of the doctors who self-prescribe opiates and carry on without anyone knowing.

As always the need to look at the reasons why things happen is overriden by a knee-jerk panic reaction (when it starts to affect the middle classes) to arrest people.

Agreed… My post was/is a bit of tongue & cheek ffs :blush:

Humans will never stop using substances for highs whether there illegal or not, its always funny when I’m arguing with my cousins about weed and they drink like it’s not a drug.

And take offence when I point out that actually it’s more of a dangerous substance than weed, etc.

I’m with everyone who wants to legalise all drugs and regulate the class A’s with pharmacys selling them. And recreational drugs being sold in the local licensing premises.

Me too, but I don’t think that’s ever going to happen here, the best we could do is probably a for profit system unfortunately.

It was a joke brother… There’s no way we even make a dent in it, even with what FidgetUK is saying. :sweat_smile:

The trade itself is massive and has so many runners it’s practical impossible to dent the bosses, even that encore app made little difference.

Tax it & use the funds for treatment etc is probably our best play, but people more intellectual than me can work out those details.

Our worst place atm here is castlemilk area, because of the Gillespie & Bull crew, my area is fairly normal with the rest of Glasgow because we’re poor it’s not as bad here as it could be. It was worse 10 years ago here, but unfortunately the fake blues and illegal highs here seem to be most popular.

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Been there, seen that, was not fun… :blush:

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People still doing those pharmaceuticals that were looked down on in even in my day, eh?

It’s a massive problem here atm, alough they caught the crew from Morano St and the makers with the Encore chat leak, there still around but it’s not valium.

Dont know what’s in them, but there all over our prison system and West Coast city’s here, still. :pensive:

The factory putting them out must have made millions.


The last time BJ appeared at a sage meeting?

Post this for lurkers who want a view into britians drug worlds…

I’m not sure

Yeah, my MiL warned me yesterday that I’m likely losing my UK bank account soon. It’ll be a pain in the arse, though not as bad as several other Brexit related pains in the arse.

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