Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

Enjoy our racist, sexist (self appointed minister for women), uber religious, climate change denying, intellectually disabled ex-PM! He was a Rhode scholar too. Oxford producing the goods again!



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It’s just one poll, early days etc etc but this is quite a turnaround.: both parties on 40% with LD’s a poor third on 6%, Tory lead has evaporated in 5 months.

Boris Johnson is facing a showdown with furious Conservative MPs over his government’s chaotic handling of Covid-19, as a new poll shows the Tories have surrendered a massive lead over Labour in just five months.

As MPs prepare to return to Westminster on Tuesday, Charles Walker, who is vice-chair of the 1922 committee of Conservative backbenchers, told the Observer that a recent string of U-turns had left many colleagues in despair, with some struggling to support and defend their government to constituents. Governing by U-turn in this way, he said, was unsustainable.

Prediction time…

BJ will accept a Brexit extention under the disguise of something & then offer to resign in April to keep the party from splitting to keep the majority of MP’s on his side while they wrangle a plan together that suits them.

Deal or No deal probably 50/50 at this point.

Blimey, radical! You’d get very good odds at a bookie.

After all the Let’s Get Brexit Done rhetoric of his campaign and since the election, I don’t see how he can remain in power if we don’t leave in December, especially with his own MP’s support in doubt, and I don’t think he’s for quitting unless pushed.

He’s just the puppet of the ERG and Cummings, brought in to get Brexit over the line/cliff, and they’ll dispose of him some time before the next election anyway because people have finally seen through his shtick.

Could be. Some back seat driver like born-again Steve Baker could be in the frame.

The legislation that BJ passed so that the Government could not ask for an extention will be another U-Turn soon, then its on to explaining that the implementation of Brexit is why and a 12 month period is needed in negotiations to get that deal in the oven and to stop all the road blocks.

The papers will obviously rile up the public by naming whomever they deem the enemy.

I dunno, I wish it were not the case but Brexit at all costs incl no deal is what got Boris the lead. I think it’s popular.

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Nicola says…

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It covers East Renfrewshire & West Dumbartonshire, surprise surprise its where most of our higher education students come from and happens to be where my parents were visiting for the last few weeks over to my Aunts.

I’ve since not phoned as my mum slammed the phone down when I called to say to take care when visiting my Aunts, maybe she realises that my dad should not be over there now, but who knows tbh.

Edit:- whenever the papers use greater Glasgow it’s usually not actually glasgow anymore after the Torys divided it up.