Land of Hope & Glory? - UK Politics and other stuff

Captain hindsight

South African virus

I can’t believe they let the financial service industry passports go defunct, they have plans we don’t know about surely-surely? Their not this stupid to just let it all sail away.

More than most because we try to play fair, them though, lol.

Would moving to Ireland make it all better… :joy:

Na worries brother, I’ve just cheered up & I’m not letting this lockdown get to me, been gaming all weekend so that helps, put another £80 in just so I can play away the rest of the month and close the doors…

I’m worried for my father who receives new treatment for his angina + other drugs he needs, the Brexit problems wrt football is the least of my problems at the moment.


They didn’t want to, but had no choice - in exchange for access to the single (goods) market the EU understandably want to restrict the City’s access to European financial markets (services).

“Getting Brexit done” was the one and only objective, or Johnson was (milque)toast.

There is no “plan” as such - it’s all big brash statements invoking Dunkirk and the plucky little Brit standing up to the nasty European bully. That’s where we’ve come to, I’m afraid - xenophobia and the arrogant idiocy of the silver spoon brigade, none of whom have ever done a normal job in their lives.

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I’m befuddled tbh with the whole finance situation, I thought its what they fought in the EU for all these years and had the golden goose at their doors forever or in London where it suited them.

That was Thatcher’s dream - the Big Bang (deregulation of the financial markets) creating a generation of brash yuppies and boosting the balance sheet of the UK.

The new lot are much more right wing than even she was. Strap yourself in, it’s going to be a very bumpy ride.

Strange thing is, what the UK has needed for a generation is a drastic rebalancing of the economy away from London, but only with suitable investment in industries elsewhere which will never happen now.

So we might well end up with the worst of both worlds in a horrible tax haven playground for billionaires to race their supercars in.

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“So, quick question, how many legs on a tripod?”


“Are you sure?”


As you probably guessed the real villain emerging from yesterday is Corbyn.


I don’t believe the hard left would have accepted an election defeat


Wow. I am so surprised. I never suspected brexit was really about cutting taxes and consumer regulations. How could anyone have known.

Cheers across the pond my UK and UK-adjacent friends


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