Kamala / Walz 2024

Honestly I wouldn’t mind seeing Hillary get the nomination. Other than optics it’s the same as any of the rest of them. And it just openly lays bare the party more than they already are, if that’s possible.

They can use “Let’s Beat Trump Again” as the slogan, referring to the all-important popular vote that a mush-mouthed, senescent Hillary will be muttering over and over to herself a la Lady Macbeth during Trump’s fourth term. This time they can win the electoral vote too, only to have the Supreme Court invalidate the results!

Just do it. Who really cares.


Those guys are awesome. True professionals, putting everything they’ve got into a silly-ass jingle about ribs. I mean, shit, the guy is tweaking the “barbecue sawse” part to make sure it sounds just right. I’d hire them for anything.

I don’t want to take pleasure in another person’s misery, but imagining each moment of this for you has me laughing pretty hard. I can see myself taking a little break and then doing the same thing.

I never made any of these claims.

GOP “Sheeeeeeeeeeeit we’ll take any motherfuckers presidency if he’s giving it away!”

when is this fuck making the announcement?

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Might as well wait until next week at this point and do it during the DNC.

That was as funny as whomever changed the supreme Court title change to updated news in RGB.


It’s 2020 so he’s probably going to fuck around and miss some deadlines and we’ll end up with like Biden winning in a landslide, having Mike Pence as VP, and a 50-50 Senate. Whoops! Deadlines are malarkey!



The Black pundants on MSNBC are saying if Biden picks a white, female running mate a significant number of Black potential voters are going to feel trolled and may sit out.

Its going to be wild. Bernie voters and Black voters could have teamed up to vote for real change that they would both be happy with and now they’re both voting for Trump.

Zero chance. Literally zero. Biden wins 80%+ of the African American vote if he selects a ham sandwich as VP.

Do we know that she used to follow his account?

I don’t buy that at all. We have the most racist president in decades who regularly works to advance white supremacy. African Americans are not going to sit out this election. And virtually all of those who do vote are voting for Biden.

That being said he should pick a person of colour.

According to a different twitter follow check site I found, she hasn’t followed Joe Biden at all, dating back to May of last year. According to that same tool, though, Biden got a new follower today:

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


It’s possible she didn’t although she follows almost all other main political accounts. Also it’s probably not worth looking into follows/unfollows too much on twitter but I posted it because I found it kinda funny

Of course. I’m saying politically engaged people who are voting are not passing up voting out trump because of the vp.