Kamala / Walz 2024

This will be a sideshow, Fox will make her nomination about Russiagate.

Trolling conservatives about Benghazi is a feature, not a bug.

Of the alleged shortlist, I think I prefer Kamala Harris, who a couple measures say has the second-most liberal voting record in the Senate.

That’s the unmasking part…

I think getting the Hannity fans energized is a negative, but picking a cop during all the current goings-on would go over terribly with the left.

I’m defintely in favor of Rice over Kamala if that is who we are down to.

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Rice plays into the “I can do this job competently, I’ve done this sort of thing before” vibe that seems to be Biden’s only message.


well it’s not a leak, politico wouldn’t just hold that news. They inadvertently leaked an article they had pre written up and people are incredibly stupid so I bought some no kamala shares to sell off later when it’s not the news.

I figure Joe’s going to pick someone he’s comfortable with–there is no such thing as a safe pick as the right will think of some bullshit anyway.

I weirdly like this reasoning if we actually believe it gives us two people who will serve one term and walk off into the sunset with their only concerns being rebuilding the country and building their own legacy by pushing the country in a positive direction.

That’s a huge if, but it’s potentially a good argument.


I’d buy that Biden’s only concern is rebuilding the country, but for who? He told a group of Wall Street donors that nothing would fundamentally change.


What does 500k buy you in the Biden administration, I wonder?

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A mention in the October Hunter Biden indictment


This is absolutely a fair criticism. My only hope for Biden is that he can stop us from going full authoritarian dictatorship and then steps down after 1 term so we can be better in 2024.

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Did you see the whole speech? This is really weak - he was telling them that the right thing to do was to pay way more in taxes, and that they would experience no change in their lifestyle (because they’re so rich). There’s plenty to criticize Biden on, this is a swing and a miss.

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“I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money,” he said. “The truth of the matter is, you all, you all know, you all know in your gut what has to be done. We can disagree in the margins but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change.”

Biden went on to say that the rich should not be blamed for income inequality, pleading to the donors, “I need you very badly.”

I need you very badly, lul

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Can you please cite where he said they would pay way more in taxes? @mosdef

Google is hard

I don’t subscribe to the NYT , feel free to quote the relevant section where Joseph Biden told investors in the speech I mentioned that they would pay “way more in taxes” as mosdef said.

Here you go. This is a fair assessment of the remarks, acknowledging that Biden (surprise surprise) phrased the whole thing in a twisted Joe Biden fashion. In the context “we all know what has to be done” his intent is clear.

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His intent is absolutely not clear, you are moving the goalposts. I already quoted the relevant section three posts ago, and I don’t need to read the Vox commentary. You already let me know he was talking about “way more in taxes”. I don’t know about you, but I don’t usually associate “way more in taxes” with “no one’s standard of living will change”.

I don’t associate “way more in taxes with” “disagree on the margins”. He’s talking about preserving the order, not making people pay way more in taxes. I think you are thinking of Bernie Sanders.

Pretty weaksauce to make the claim you did defending Joseph Biden and link back to a Vox article, quoting zero relevant section of the speech yourself and adding zero commentary. The article doesn’t even say what you claim it does. Fail.

In before watevs claims Biden is proposing a massive tax cut for the rich.

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