Kamala / Walz 2024

Only if you use all caps like a savage.

…would he also be the first sans-serif VP?


First VP with a Z in their first or last name.

Kamala Her Rizz

Oh, you meant candidate


All the coolest people have Z’s in their last names imo. And they’re definitely not named Matt.


Sort by number of Zs in username = coolest.


Then we need to vote these shitty ones out. It’s curious why Pelosi and Manchin supported Walz who’s backed and achieved more progressive policies for his state than anyone. It certainly could be that it’s the end of their careers and they don’t care anymore. But could it also be that they see the writing on the wall and that the party is turning progressive and that shitty Dems are in just as much danger from their base as Republicans?

Policy has little to do with why they support many candidates, especially when it’s vice-president

Audible based on internal polling?

Then what? I know the answer must have to do with grift, but can’t think of it

That district is part of the battleground. Certainly not NE as a whole.

that kellyanne clip is super satisfying because even though KAC is playing it off like “la dee dah it’s so dumb how people are imputing all these great qualities to kamala,” how it comes off is “here is a convenient list of all the things I used to want to be or at least that I used to want people to think of me, but here we are and I’ve been found out and the jig is up, so now I’m going to process my disappointment with myself and my bitterness at the world’s judgment by believing that being these things is obviously just impossible, and anyone who buys into this stuff is just in total fairy tale land”


Probably some combination of

  • he was born/grew up in Nebraska so you get good vibes from having him talk about growing up there and you can have friends and family around.

  • haven’t looked at NE polling recently, but in a close race getting that one electoral vote from the district around Omaha would be really nice

I agree with the sentiment but unfortunately it’s pretty much impossible under the current system. A lot of them are in safe seats and will have them until they retire or die. Ousting them in a primary is next to impossible given the amount of money and power they wield and the uniform backing of the party. And pretty much inevitably when they do give up their seat one way or the other, the party lines up behind the next ghoul up and pushes them through (see Adam Schiff as a recent example). What we really need is a page 1 rewrite of the Constitution but that ain’t happening anytime soon.

I was just making a football joke.

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Sigh. You guys really didn’t deserve Manchin. The replacement senator has been reified as Jim Justice and you still can’t comprehend what you had.

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Look, I know that the “who would you rather have a beer with” thing is stupid, but there really is something to be said for a couple of people who can just talk, smile, interact, and enjoy each other’s company like decent human fucking beings.



You’re saying Trump and Vance don’t have a beer and shoot the shit?