Kamala / Walz 2024

No one gaf gif

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This reminds me of when I used to play tournament chess as a kid. I was decent, 1700 as a 15 year-old. But my thought process for picking moves was super chaotic. “Ok if I go here, he goes there, then my knight is restricted, shit, this is taking too long, I gotta do something” then BOOM I found myself making some move I had barely even considered

People do shit and don’t know why, even if they thought about it. Vibes, economy, trouble at work, hungover, latent misogyny, the weather. Who knows why some people vote the way they do

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lol guy says something nice about someone without doing a full cia background check first. Oh the humanity.


any time some derp brings this up just show the pic of nick fuentes eating with trump at maralago

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Actual white guy neo nazi gets less play than a brown guy linking to neo Nazis



“Let’s assume our worst nightmare—the Democrats went to the White House, the House, the Senate,” McConnell said during his keynote speech at the National Conference of State Legislators Legislative Summit last week, according to Spectrum News. “The first thing they’ll do is get rid of the [Senate] filibuster. Second, you’ll have two new states: D.C., Puerto Rico. That’s four new Democratic senators in perpetuity.”


That, like all things GOP, is projection. Unfortunately, we don’t have any one like Mitch or our team, so that ain’t happening.

Also doubt PR sends 2 Dems in perpetuity, but that’s a separate issue.



Not ideal…

Why stop there? Combine north and South Dakota. Split California into two or three states.

Split DC into four states: NW DC, NE DC, SW DC, and SE DC.


Heh, I can only imagine what the Metro funding meetings would look like… trying to get DC MD and VA to agree on a plan is bad enough.


That could easily add R Senators

Obviously you gerrymander the fuck out of them NC style.



Pete could be giving the speech before Walz.


I assume we agree that even if by some miracle dems won the house, senate and POTUS there is zero chance they are going to end the filibuster or make DC or PR states?

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I think the chance is small but it’s >0 given that Manchin, Sinema, and Feinstein are all gone. There’s certainly a lot of shitty ones left but they might do limited filibuster reform for DC statehood and maybe some abortion stuff. In practice it would be a full nuking of the filibuster but the worst ones would limit it to just a few subjects in the name of moderation while leaving the door wide open for the Rs to finish the job the next time they take over. Unrelated but it would be pretty sweet for them to “win” SCOTUS though.

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