Kamala / Walz 2024



I like money


Cooper I get, but why is Walz “the Tim Kaine route”?

If it’s Cooper vs Walz then (on the basis of nothing but vibes and watching a few interviews) give me Walz.

Childish as it is Cooper reminds me too much of Droopy.

Dammit, beat me to it lol

I put these in the election thread, but they should prolly go here for posterity when we’re all unhappy with the selection.

Outside of Pete, Kelly and Walz seem to be the best of the bunch in terms of oratorizing.

edit walz more like 5’10"

We’re like 100 days from the election. Tell me why high name recognition now is bad?

Vetting VP picks usually takes months, and potentials usually have months to be all over making a name for themselves.

We have weeks. The one who is already vetted, and fills in Kamala’s gaps with independents and whites seems pretty smart.



Had to look up “nebbish”. Didn’t really get that from his interviews. Also, is he really 5’5"? Brief scan of google images makes him look about average height.

Walz appears to be as tall as or even slightly taller than Biden unless this pic is somehow deceptive.

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Reddit is torn. Some say 7’, others 17"


I don’t think it is bad. I just think it tells us very little and I think it mostly tells us that people associate Kamala with Newsom because California. There are definitely some good crosstabs in that data but also some which point to certain demographics being unsure.

I think since we’ve already solidified around The Candidate and that momentum is pretty strong to pull us to the DNC. In these weeks, those VP hopefuls can get their message out to a broader audience. Tell everyone what they believe and then DNC seems like a great time to wrap up that process.

What does the vetting process look like? I think the private markets could do it quicker :roll_eyes: Haven’t these folks already been vetted to some degree to reach their positions?

Or are we talking about 'vetting?

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vetting in this case is probably all related financial disclosures, campaign finance stuff, any self-oppo they’ve done in previous campaigns, etc.

One thing they’ll probably do very thoroughly is dig through their social media. I know the Biden campaign did that for thousands of potential delegates (they had to vet anyone who was interested in running for delegate in CA and I know a couple of folks who had posted some anti-Biden stuff in 2020 and they didn’t let them run). This is obviously a newer consideration than any veepstakes in the past.

It’s where they find out stuff like this (yikes):

Or this (also yikes):

We need a 2024 meme containment thread


These are why I hope it’s Beshear. Let’s go get that union vote.

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On the plus side, since we have a candidate selected I think it’s easier to only vet VP rather than vet a whole new set of candidates + running mates.

With that said, I am in hard opposition to Newsom because it would open him up to the “Hit 'Em Up” meme attack by Don Jr. Could be devastating.

I could live with most of those dry whites though and think it was hilarious


How long until we see @IBelieveInMarkKelly account pop up?

Not sure why she isn’t picking Generic Dem, that dude polls great.

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Say his name and he appears.

I believe in Mark Kelly. :clap: :clap: