Just memes

It’s kind of like Mastermind, but looking for a word, not a pattern.

You can find the rules here, under the question mark. You should definitely play under Hard mode, but I’ll just ‘warn’ you, that even in that mode, it’s pretty easy. Especially for people who play or have played a fair amount of word puzzles/games.

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Ok, I just clicked on it. This looks like a game I wrote a bot for once, lol. It was a king.com game called “scramble” or something, and I wrote a bot for it that just played for me while I was doing whatever. The strategy for that game was really easy.

They banned my bot after like 4 days lol. Only made about 1k or something, but I wrote it on work time, so…

Wasn’t really a bot that made the moves. It was a guy who was living in my place rent free. I gave him the program to type in the letters, and the program played (what I think) was optimal strategy. He just needed to type the letter back into the little box.

RTA before it was a thing.

Jotto, imo: Jotto - Wikipedia

Looks like there’s an app for that, so you don’t have to wait 24 hours for the next word.

I think I still know all the 2s, 3s, 4s, all the 5s that hook from 4s, and all the hooks from 5s. 6s are generally pretty useless, and, I have to say, my bingos were not all that. Although, I did score a 3*3 with a bingo a couple of times, and my proudest moment was when I played “HEXONES” hugging my opponent’s opening bingo - literally every letter under the letter on the board, and every letter made a legal 2.

You always want to leave any of the following your letters in your rack when the board is open for a bingo: CANISTER. Basically, RETAINS with any other letter makes a bingo - e.g. KREATINS, TINWARES, CREATINS (or, CANISTER lol). The C is a useful sealing letter in TWL98, you always want to have a sealing letter in your rack in case villain opens. and you can’t use the spot.

Lol my first try playing the game. I just threw out “crisp” as my first guess and it was “crimp.” All skill baby.

Wordle 218 2/6


I think I’ve got a pretty good bead on the kinds of words this guy picks for answers. Has to be fairly common, and have letters in weird place. IE - I don’t think he’s ever picking a word with an S or an E at the end. Unless maybe there’s some weird combos before it.

I always start with AUDIO and ENTRY. I like getting all of the vowels and y out of the way. Not sure if this is optimal. but it almost always gets a 4 and occasionally a 3.

My buddy used his work computer to run some big AI program that came up with two starting words that he won’t tell me. But his AI program isn’t filtering on the kind of words Mr. Wordle guy would pick as answers.

On the contrary, I bet his program is literally trained on the list of answers, which are accessible in plain text in the page’s source code.

Those are past answers right?

It lists all 2000-some past and future answers, as well as the list of words that are accepted as words but that will never be answers.

Well that’s lame. I know another friend talked about that list but not sure if the AI guy used the answer list to train. I know he used the accepted word list.

Ok I got my AI friend to reveal his super secret two starting words - AISLE and COURT.

I like:


Those are the 10 most common letters in the dictionary.

Been using arise and count, same idea. Arise is literally the 5 most abundant letters in the dictionary (but not controlling for 5 letter words or the Wordle words), and N is a little more common than L.

I like using Y because I’ve gotten fucked on Y words before.

Strategically, the best word to pick in hangman is “jazz”.

Also, people think longer words are harder to guess, which is not true. Longer words are far easier.

I don’t think it is. With all else equal, I’d rather have an N and L in there instead of a D and a Y. There are multiple 2 word combos which would get you that.