Yeah Krusty’s bit feels more like making fun of the stuff like Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Same as the bit Colbert used to do, which was pretty cringe even in its time.
I do think there’s an interesting conversation to be had about racial or cultural stereotypes used for humor. Punching up seems pretty clearly still ok. Nobody cringes watching Richard Pryor making fun of white people from 40 years ago.
But is punching sideways ok? I think that’s how a lot of this Asian stereotype humor was thought as way back when, which was clearly wrong.
But when you look at other countries like Mexico - the men give each other shit about everything, constantly. Giving someone shit is a way to show you like them. I knew I had a good rapport with the cooks at a restaurant when they started making fun of my red hair and the nasally way I say my name - Maaaaayyyt (as opposed to how they like to say it - Mot). So any cultural difference is going to be a point of potential shit giving. Maybe the key is it can only be in a personal setting and not on TV.
Basically I’m trying to say I really like it when you get to the level with someone that you can give them shit. But I acknowledge there are times those could be micro-aggressions and need to be avoided.