Just memes

What do gerbils have to do with this?

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I am equally sure as this guy that P != NP yet despite my many years of college math and computer science I am just as unable to prove this.

Yeah but that’s something totally different. To prove the Riemann hypothesis you really have to come up with a mathematical proof. Those people won’t post something like “I found a proof for the RH, but have no idea about complex analysis”.

To prove P=NP you just have to come up with an example algorithm which could, if it really exists, be just guessed (i.e. pick a random number, interpret it as description number, and if you’re lucky it represents an algorithm that finds solutions to the TSM in poly time). A lucky monkey could do that.

I’m not saying that this person might really have something there, and I don’t believe that P=NP anyway. I’m just saying that person might have seen a YT vid on the topic, and tried their hand on an algorithm for one of the NPC problems mentioned there because they went to a programming bootcamp or just learned Python in 8th grade. And then think they found a fast algorithm, which would, if you look at it more closely, turn out to be just a heuristic at best.

Goofy Eastern Hemisphere naming aside, the game is pretty useful for explaining complex mathematical problems to the simple minded brain. It was used to finally explain GTO poker to me after years of thinking it was just mathematical gibberish. Don’t get me wrong, I still suck at poker, but at least I can provide a simple explanation of GTO now.

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Bro, have you been on Quora in the maths section?

Typical questions include:

  • Which numbers [sic - I am assuming naturals here] add to 7 and multiply to 12
  • (Same OP) - I think I have discovered that there are an infinite number of twin primes. What are primes again?

Basically, there are some really, really smart people giving answers (look up Alon Amit) and some really dumb (probably mostly young) people asking questions.

But, if you insist, I give you 10k to 1 on $1 that homeboy has not solved one of the millennium prize problems. Feel free to donate my dollar to the homeless or something.

I haven’t been to Quora at all. As I said, I don’t believe they proved P=NP, especially because I strongly believe P≠NP. But if an oracle told me that the RH is true and P=NP, I would put more money on someone who just learned to Code and isn’t even aware of the P versus NP problem to find a fast algorithm for an NPC problem than on a bachelor in Math that didn’t stay in the field to find a proof for RH. The latter can only come from a professional Mathematician.

But obviously I’m always willing to bet $1 for the lulz with these odds! :grinning: If that person did indeed proved P=NP you can donate the 10K to AOC.


I’m not sure I agree with the author. Even as a prank. The joke is “shes tall. That’s funny cos shes a girl”



Not a proper meme, but I found a subreddit called r/savedyouaclick the other day. Basically people post links to clickbait threads and then spoil the thread by giving away the answer right in the thread title. I don’t know why but I find the majority of them hilarious (though I suspect they may not be that funny).








Damnit! I was going to share that one!





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