Just memes

I don’t fault them for not knowing. It’s a mistake I would have easily made.

But then taking it the extra step of being outraged about it enough to make those reviews - fucking lol. Any normal person would be like “woops lol me” and moved on.

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I’m on the side of the reviewers. When you buy them in the store, they come pumped in cardboard boxes.

Reviewers say the listing doesn’t mention that there’s no pump. There’s a reasonable expectation that something like that would be mentioned - for example, you often hear “batteries not included” in ads for electronics, or that a cheap pump would be included (one came with a yoga ball I ordered a few years back). And gonna go ahead and guess the ad shows a picture of an inflated ball, which is not what they’re actually selling. They’re not even being overly aggressive in those reviews. It’s lame that people want to dunk on them. I give your attitudes one and a half stars.

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You need a pump anyway. The balls don‘t stay inflated forever.


Ha. They must have been having a sale or something because this came in the mail two days ago for us. It also had a hand pump but it was absolute dog shit. After spending 5 minutes trying to inflate it, I had to go dig out the bike tire one to get the job done.

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I always wondered what a 16+ new reply chain would look like ITT.


Exactly. If they came inflated, some percentage of those reviewers would complain at some later time that it didn’t come with a pump, and that they now have to buy one for so-and-so much Dollars.

I was thinking “Sweet! Tons of new memes”





I never did beat that one.

Also, why do they all have Raphael’s headband?

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Don’t worry, no one did lol


I even tried a couple of times on an emulator. Couldn’t even beat the first underwater level which I know I got past back in the day.

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I still have the original NES and cartridge but no TV really works for it without some adapter that I don’t have. The games also look terrible blown up on modern tv’s


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Why does the underwater level have this weird reputation?

Other levels were way harder.

Other games too!


I imagine it’s a filter, like maybe it’s the first really hard level, so more people never get past it than never get past subsequent levels.

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Continuing the derail, my friend and I used to (pre-pandemic) get together every couple months to get drunk and try to beat this classic on a RPi I set up as a game emulator:

There are a ton of inside jokes that have spawned from this, the most notable being our inability for a long time to beat the 3rd boss, “Roper”
This led to us referring to our occasional BT/DD nights as “shooting Ropes,” which our girlfriends found horrifying/amusing. “Hey man, want to get drunk and shoot some Ropes on Friday?”