Jeffrey Epstein and Associates

Ok, I only skim read the WaPo affadavit and didn’t take in any of the names.

Yes I would think it’s very likely to be true.

What in the fuck is wrong with you.

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You should not post stuff that you don’t want people to comment on.

Even if you think you were not entirely blameless in your situation, that doesn’t mean that other minor children who were raped were not entirely blameless. And it seems like your post might be suggesting that they all played a role in what happened to them. That thought should not go unchallenged here.


“Fucking 14 Year Olds: Actually Bad? It Depends.”


The Brits do have a way with perversions


Divide by two and add seven is pretty solid unless both parties are over 30. If a 30 year old wants to sleep with a 90 year old that’s up to them.

Anything else and guillotine. 32 with 16 is definitely a guillotining.


I don’t know of any framing where a sixteen year old is considered an adult in the US.

The US still has a lot of states where the age of consent is 16.

is a 16yr old a kid? That’s all I saying Marksman

Yes FFS, please stop posting in this thread

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alan dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Adnan Khashoggi, Clinton and many more. Justice soon, right?



Yes, the men you named and many more deserve to die in cages, not sure what the question is.


That’s fine but they are still children. They are not adults.

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Of course a 16 year old is a kid. Almost every single adult in the United States considers a sixteen-year-old a kid.


Yes. kid, child, however you want to refer to a human who has not yet reached adulthood.

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It’s a culture difference, that’s all - we call them young adults - free to make some decisions of their own free will - no offence mean’t

Never mind he did not take the L…


I don’t understand why it’s important to say a “16 year old is not an adult.”

Sixteen-year-olds are allowed to engage in many “adult” activities, and they’re restricted from others due to their presumed immaturity.