ITV: Impeachment Television


Man that whole thing is what gets my goat.

It’s one thing for a person to say “I don’t find that persuasive, but I’m also not in a position to refute that claim.”

See virtually every conspiracy theory. Don’t find global warming/vaccines/quid pro quo persuasive? Fine, but ffs don’t extend that to say “I don’t find that persuasive, so let me tell you why all of the experts are wrong.” Just say you’re not an expert so don’t have more than an opinion and probably shouldn’t say even that much in a serious conversation.

It’s maddening to me when someone (including me!) dismisses the conclusions of people who have spent their entire lives becoming experts in a field. “This doesn’t make sense to me, therefore it must be wrong” is like, the mantra of the GOP but in many ways the mantra of the human race.

I generally feel a deep sense of serenity about the whole thing. I have to if I’m humble about my own misperceptions and ignorance. But that changes when I encounter topics like vaccines.

Like someone else was saying about balancing free speech against the unforeseen disinformation campaigns possible with modern technology. It’s a constant uphill battle without easy answers.


Wow, cspan callers are the nut low. I can’t even believe the lack of brain power of our citizens.


Lol. That last one was great. Cliffs Alabama sucks and impeach the fucker.


I was listening to that too hahahahahahahahahahaha

What the hell purpose does the “0 days since Adam Schiff followed house rules” poster serve?

It appears to indicate he is following house rules.


I’m more than happy to have you guys filter out the unimportant nonsense for me.

It does. Don’t tell 'em.


You’d think CSPAN callers would be more informed.

I’d figure that Trump supporters don’t know what CSPAN is.

Cool that republicans are doubling down saying Ukraine did interfere in 2016 despite what the foremost expert testifying said. They say it is just Hill’s opinion.

Interesting group of Senators to be meeting with.

Sounds like a problem best solved by verrit dot com style verification codes

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Their claims of interference consists solely of disparaging remarks made about a candidate that voiced approval of the annexation of Crimea while on the campaign trail.

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I spent a long time thinking people were too traumatized to see clearly with the GOP, like when you spend ten years in a cult.

But now I think a large chunk of humanity is literally too dumb to discern the difference between opinion and fact. This is true of all of us depending on the field and modality, but idk, I’ve been traveling across the States and see a lot of people who try hard but just don’t have the capacity.

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Lets all give a warm round of applause to our new Secretary of State, Mitt Romney!



The details really don’t matter at this point. If Schiff wants to call more witnesses that’s fine, whatever. We’ve established he did it, everyone knows he did it, it’s pure theater at this point.

To me, the key is to keep the House impeachment inquiry open through at least the Spring. There’s going to be more to investigate and hold hearings about. Hell, there already is - hold hearings on Emoluments for a few weeks. The key is to keep these devastating, defenseless acts in the news instead of quickly voting to impeach and turning the narrative over to Mitch, effectively closing the door on additional hearings.


Hey lawbros, isn’t first day of class ‘don’t let the witness your questioning keep talking after you’ve got your answer’? Is he just running down the clock?