ITV: Impeachment Television

dems following the rules, republicans give no ****s because nothing will happen to them

same as it ever was


well, itā€™s only 45 Rā€™s that would literally vote to end it right now and no trial at all so at least this is something I guess.

This. I watched a pretty decent amount of the House hearings, but why waste time with this charade?


Even GOP senators agree. So do posters in this site, because this thread, about a pretty fucking rare thing to happen in our politics, is dead.

Iā€™ve been watching Football all night & phew we won 1-3 :v:And am about to eat that Indian Madras Curry I brought in from the localā€¦ :sunglasses:

Iā€™ll tune in soon and listen until my blood boils againā€¦ While playing my online game lol.

It is soul destroying and it will be off when the GOP is lying their ass off :sob:

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Yeah, I think the Senate trial is a bigger indictment of our society than anything. We should be rioting and destroying senatorsā€™ offices over this complete subversion of our political
Institutions and the rule of law. We arenā€™t, though, because we are all too complacent.

To be fair to my great, and certainly not drunk, assessment of the trial so far, I legit forgot they scheduled it at weird times on purpose so no one will watch

No alarms
And no surprises


trump wasnā€™t held accountable before so itā€™s outrageous to do so now

Heā€™s lived a perfect life

Depends on your definition of ā€œperfect.ā€

Otherwise blameless imo.


I definitely need a Sarcasim emojiā€¦ As we all know all his life heā€™s probably been a criminal.

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Nah, that my bad

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ā€œI think itā€™s about them interfering with the election or something? Iā€™m not sure. Itā€™s very confusing,ā€ said one Republican who didnā€™t think the evidence was very strong. One Democrat who thought Mr. Trump should be removed acknowledged, ā€œI donā€™t really know what the evidence is.ā€


ā€œSupposedly he was colluding, or he was proposing to the leaders of ā€” I canā€™t think of the name of the country. Not Czechoslovakia. Joe Biden and his son had gotten involved a few years ago in the Ukraine. Itā€™s the Ukraine, right?ā€ Tim Tucker, 73, a conservative independent who splits his time between Indiana and Florida


ā€œIā€™m confused on what theyā€™re accusing him of, but it just has to do with the communication with the Ukrainian president. They havenā€™t been able to glom onto anything yet and this was as close as they could get after all the pressure that theyā€™ve gotten.ā€ Amy, 47, a Republican from Illinois


ā€œThey just donā€™t like the man because heā€™s not a politician. They canā€™t reconcile their 2016 defeat of a career politician by a businessman. They canā€™t stand it that heā€™s outthinking them and outmaneuvering them on every issue.ā€ Gerald Wilson, 50, a conservative Democrat from Oklahoma


ā€œHas he done inappropriate things? Yeah, I hate to tell you, every president has. I donā€™t like the man personally. I can understand why they donā€™t like him. But thatā€™s not grounds for impeachment.ā€ Richard Thomas, 73, a Republican from Avondale, Ariz.


ā€œI can say, damn near everything Iā€™ve ever been accused of, I did it.ā€ Jonathan Swenson, 38, from Utah, who says he originally registered Republican but isnā€™t so sure now

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